

更新时间:2023-11-01 11:12:46作者:英语帮




  • adj. 传统的,严肃的,古典的,文言文,受古希腊或古罗马文化影响的;
  • 副词:classically;
  • 相关单词 classical allusionclassical ChineseClassical windclassicaldatabaseclassicalismclassicalityclassically 例句
    • I’m uninterested in classical architecture. 我对古典建筑风格不感兴趣。
    • a classical Greek figure created by the sculptor Polyclitus 雕刻家波利克里托斯创作的古希腊人像
    • a liking for classical music 喜爱古典音乐
    • He is keenly interested in classical English literature. 他酷爱英国古典文学。
    • I'm interested in classical architecture. 我对古典建筑风格感兴趣。
    • Classical music leaves me absolutely cold, but I love rock. 古典音乐一点也引不起我的兴趣,我喜欢搖滾乐。
    • The linear scaling and the Reynolds number represent classical, aerodynamic similitude requirements applicable to law - speed flight. 线性缩尺和雷诺数是低速飞行时经典的气动力模似要求.
    • He used elective system, replacing the stereotype of classical courses, students can pursue their professional interest. 他采用选修制, 取代了刻板的古典课程, 学生们可以攻读他们感兴趣的专业.
    • Different from classical historical fiction, it omits historical time and narrates old stories in present tense. 不同于古典历史小说, 它省略了历史年代,使过去的故事在现在时态上演.
    • Classical and flamenco guitars, also handcrafted steel string guitars. 古典吉他和弗拉门戈吉他, 以及手工制作的钢弦吉他.
