

更新时间:2023-11-01 11:12:46作者:英语帮




  • v. 在…中开采,开采( mine的过去式和过去分词 ),在…中[下]布雷,以地雷[水雷]炸毁;
相关单词 be determinedcalciminedcrimineddeterminedexaminedForm of comparison determinedfulminedilluminedmineddatabasemore determinedmost determined 例句
  • Their ship was mined. 他们的船被水雷炸毁了。
  • They've mined the entrance to the harbour. 他们在港口布了雷。
  • They'd mined the hillside for the ores. 他们曾在这个小山坡上开采矿石.
  • The silver which was mined there was minted into coins. 在那里开采的银子被用来铸成钱币.
  • Some of the world's supply of salt is mined as rock salt. 世界上供应的盐有些是从开采岩盐得到的.
  • Can you comment on the diamonds mined in Sierra Leone? 请您谈谈塞拉利昂开采钻石的问题好 吗 ?
  • IP surveys aimed at finding the extent of a vein being mined. IP测量的目的在于寻找正在开采的矿脉的延伸.
  • The corrosion product was exa - mined by means of SEM, EMP and X - ray diffraction. 用SEM, EMP和 X 射线衍射分析腐蚀产物.
  • ...the finest gems, mined from all corners of the world. 从世界各地采掘来的最精美的宝石
  • The pit is being shut down because it no longer has enough coal that can be mined economically. 这座煤矿即将关闭,因为从经济上考虑,矿井里已经没有足够的煤可供开采。
