

更新时间:2023-11-01 08:33:46作者:英语帮



  • [tu lu] drop,fall off,[植] exfliation,abscission,break off
相关词语 使关节脱落使片状脱落使蜕下或脱落使鳞片脱落关节脱落卵床脱落头发脱落指脱落树叶脱落毛发脱落睫毛脱落 相关英语单词
  • 以下英语单词包含“脱落”的意思
  • abscisin n. 脱落素,离层素
  • abscission n. 切断,除去,脱落,切除
  • aphesis n. 非重读词首音的脱落
  • autotomy n. 自割(当虾、蜥蜴等动物遭到攻击时脚、爪、尾等会自动脱落的反射作用)
  • caducicorn 脱落性角
  • caducous adj. (器官或部分)早期自然脱落的,早落
  • cast vt. 铸造,投掷,投射,脱落,脱皮
    n. 铸型,演员表,轻微的斜视,投,掷骰
    vi. 掷,投,计算,加
  • casting n. 铸造,铸件,角色分配,投掷,[动]脱落
    v. 扔掉(cast的现在分词),铸造,投掷,选派演员
  • dactylolysis n. 指(趾)脱落
  • deciduate adj. 有蜕膜的,脱落性的
  • The nut has worked off. 螺帽已经脱落了。
  • The book was old and soon fell apart. 这书已有年月, 没隔多久书页都脱落了。
  • The handle of the door has dropped off. 门把手脱落了。
  • The bark scaled off the tree. 树皮从树上脱落了。
  • I nearly suffocated when the pipe of my breathing apparatus came adrift. 呼吸器上的管子脱落时,我差点给憋死。
  • All interior walls, floors and ceiling are constructed with hard, nonporous, non - shedding materials. 所有内部墙壁 、 地板和天花板均采用硬质 、 无孔 、 不脱落材料建造.
  • Consider phthalates, those chemicals that help preent makeup from smudging. 如酞酸盐, 这些化合物用于帮助化妆品防止脱落.
  • To protective material used in surfacing and finishing flake off. 用于保护表面材料的涂层或保护层因失去黏附力而剥落,脱落.
  • The abortive seeds only accumulated abscises acid, which caused the abortion and inactivation. 败育的杉木涩籽中只积累较多的脱落酸, 说明了败育涩籽的衰败和失活.
  • Do not apply to nonstick cooking utensil. May cause surface coating to peel. 不适用于不粘锅类的烹饪器具, 因为可能会导致其表层脱落.
