

更新时间:2023-11-01 08:33:46作者:英语帮


  • adj. 危险的;
  • 比较级:more dangerous;
  • 最高级:most dangerous;
  • 副词:dangerously;
  • 相关单词 dangerous and difficultDangerous and steepdangerous comparative formdangerous shoaldangerous situationdangerous superlative formdangerous.dangerouscreaturesdangerousdatabasedangerouslydangerously steep 例句
    • The patient’s dangerous condition cost the doctors and nurses many a sleepless night. 病人的危险状况,使医生和护士们好几夜不曾合眼。
    • a dangerous psychopath. 严重的精神病患者
    • It is dangerous to drive with a dirty windshield. 开一辆挡风玻璃脏了的车子是危险的。
    • Keep the children off.It's dangerous here! 别让孩子们靠近, 这儿危险!
    • It is dangerous to go about here. 在这里到处走是很危险的。
    • We must close up the old well; it's dangerous. 那口旧井有危险, 我们必须把它填死。
    • The old helmsman brought us about and we avoided a dangerous dash against the rocks. 老舵手掉转了船的航向, 我们才避免了一次撞击礁石的危险。
    • It's dangerous to overtake at a corner. 转弯时超车危险。
    • Strong tides make swimming dangerous. 在汹涌的潮水中游泳是危险的。
    • The captain needs a select crew for this dangerous voyage. 船长需要一批精选的水手来作此危险的航行。
