

更新时间:2024-02-02 08:59:03作者:壹默



课外活动优秀英语作文 (篇一)

"Come on, come on."......" High Lake Central Primary School playground up like an avalanche of shouting, hat is so busy ah, go and see.

So it's time for them to play in extracurricular activities. Look, it's the tug of ar beteen class to and grade six in grade five, and I'm on behalf of class six, grade to, in to of them. In the game of class to and the fifth grade hen e on the next is an easy job to do, and the sixth grade class one, e fight, e to classes at the beginning of the rope ell-matched in strength, almost motionless, at this time, several students in our class due to excessive force don the rope suddenly to the side, e panic the cheerleaders, classmates sa this situation to come to help but stopped by the referee. At that time I thought: e must in, must for six grade to class in glory! At this time, a classmate shouted next to him: "stand up quickly, tidy up the mood, continue to refuel, victory is ours."!" Hear the ords of the students also be full of confidence, courage, and accepted the challenge, e had a tremendous effort finally on the sixth grade class A. "Yeah."! We are the champions!" The students ere dancing ith joy.

Our game is over, and then the teachers are having a hot badminton match. The teachers are also very poerful, all of them are agile, and one is not bad. When the teachers ere in the game, the students cheered loudly, especially hen they ere cheering for their teachers!

The teacher's game as over, and the seat crept up on the teachers' faces, tired but happy. It's really a colorful extracurricular activity! Waiting for the next game to come, and hope to participate in the period!

课外活动优秀英语作文 (篇二)

It snoed for a day and a night, and the school playground had been covered ith a thick carpet. We have several students about after school go to snoball.

Finally, after school, everyone in a happy mood, happily came to the playground. We divided him into to teams: Xiling, Gu Yaning and Wang Jiaei, boys, Sun Jiaying, Lu Jingen, and the girls. The rule is: ho as hit by the snoball, ho became the other person. On the playground, the to sides ere busy making snoballs. I grabbed a handful of hite sno, ith a hand, a round snoball is done. After a fe minutes of preparation, e started a fierce fight. I sa Wang Jiaei picked up a big snoball "sou" a sound to hit me. I quickly get out of the ay, is he still a not resigned to playing second fiddle to snoball. Wang Jiaei sa the snoball flying toards himself, and scared as if the mouse had seen the cat, and immediately ran aay. When he sa the snoball did not hit himself, he proudly made a face to us. Gradually, our girl team can't hold fast. Everyone took out a big snoball, thre it to the boys team, and suddenly hit to people. The boys ere in a bad situation and had to raise their hands to surrender. This time e have a snoball fight, girls team gain a complete victory. Everybody as happy.

It as getting dark don, e hand in hand together out of the school.

课外活动优秀英语作文 (篇三)

In schools, students in mounting numbers are conscious that 主题词 is of importance to their sustainable personal development. Many factors could contribute to phenomenon, but the folloing ones deserve special mention.


Firstly, life ithout 主题词 is like a sailing ithout ind. Possessing this notion, one can not only do sth1 but do sth.Secondly, 主题词 lays a solid foundation for sth. If the significance of 主题词 cannot be realized properly and promptly, the students ill suffer a great deal.


课外活动优秀英语作文 (篇四)

"Jingle bell!" "Jingle bell!" The bell rang after class, and as the teacher alked out of the classroom, the students rushed out of the classroom one by one.

Look, the playground is a orld of children, some are playing games, others are doing sports. It is The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea sho. You see, here the children I play, cut atermelon chicken, tiaopijin, hide and seek, guess ho I am, and other games, there's kids running in the long jump, jump rope. All of us had a lot of fun and fun. I play the game of chicken, let me talk to you to play this game. First of all, through the scissors, baggage, hammer, ho ill be an eagle and a hen, the rest hen the chicken, hen in front of the chicken hak resist responsible for the attack, he as a chicken up behind the old hen, caught in front of a person's clothes by hand, the eagle not alloed to catch the hen can catch behind her chicken, hen the eagle is almost caught the chicken, the chicken can duck, chicken is eagle caught going out, aiting in a place here chickens are all caught again, scissors, baggage, hammer, start again.

Time passed really fast, the bell rang, and the students ran back to the classroom happily.

课外活动优秀英语作文 (篇五)

Everyone of us has his spare time,and his favourite activities.my spare time is full of interesting activities. i read all kinds of books in the reading-room henever i have time. i learn a lot more in the library than in class in this ay. sports and games keep me healthy and strong enough to deal ith all difficulties. among all games, volleyball is my favourite. i often play volleyball ith my classmates.

sometimes i go in for social practice ith my classmates outside school. for example, e go to plant trees in spring. in this ay, i gain a lot of social experience and leam to ork for the good of the society.

课外活动优秀英语作文 (篇六)

My school encourages students to take part in out-of-class activities. After a busy day, it can help us to relax and build a healthy body. We usually take part in out-of-class activities on the playground. Some students play basketball, football and badminton. Some play Ping-Pong or sim.

Besides, some students read books in the library.They think reading is also a good ay to relax. As for me, I like running and reading.




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