

更新时间:2024-02-02 08:59:03作者:壹默



我的爸爸英语作文 (篇一)

M;t do ell in science.He likes sports very much.Volleyball is his favorite.

He is an English teacher no.My father is outgoing and humorous that his students all like him very much.He is kind but strict.I love my father.

我的爸爸英语作文 (篇二)

My dad is a tall and handsome middle-aged man.He has big eyes and short hair.He is a bus driver 。He is strict ith me all the time, but hen I finished my homeork, he'd be glad to take me out to important of all, he loves me and mom very much.

Of course, I love my dad very much.

我的爸爸英语作文 (篇三)

My father is a teacher.

He teaches very ell.

His students like him.

I love my father.

He oftern helps me hen I study.

He is very good at playing basketball.

He also plays pingpang ell.

I am no match for him in all ball games.

He is not good at riting compositions.

He doesn't help me hen I have difficulty in riting.

What a pity!

That's hy I go to other people for help hen i rite.

英语我的爸爸作文 (篇四)

My mom is a Tylerie, and on the contrary, my dad is a careful person. My dad likes to take me out to play, and he is also very concerned about my study, he is also a dedicated person.

My father is very careful, do not miss the details, such as one time, our family leaked, but e left to see, right to see, did not find the leak, but after a hile, the ater leaked out, the old Dad ent to the neighbors to see that a place here our family did not paste the cement, and the neighbors paste, the ater is from that place to leak out, so he personally paste the cement, in the rain, it leaked The After that, e all boasted that he as very attentive.

Dad also like to counsel my study, Dad himself is very good results, he is a graduate of Southeast University. If I have a problem, he ill patiently guide me, until I understand so far, after his counseling, my study results improved greatly.

But dad is sometimes very annoying, for example, he is more cute, in the bus, each seat he should look at me. And he as very suspicious, every time some of the repair company to our house repair things, he alays ant me to look at the door, afraid someone came in, once he said a bat fle in, ho e did not find.

Although my dad had such a draback, but I still love him.

四年级小学生写人英语作文:我的爸爸 (篇五)

My father had a thin yello face, dark hair and dark eyes, and ith a smile, his hite teeth came out, not to mention ho handsome he as. Besides, he is very busy and gets up early to go to ork every day.

Although he is very busy, but he still take leave of coaching I study, henever I rite not neat, he ould help me ipe rerite. Once, I as practicing, but I can't rite as carefully, dad as off, so I can only re rite, as torn. I rote it many times, but it as torn.。.。.。 Then I kept riting very late and began to lose patience. At this time, my father said, "perseverance is the only ay to in."!" As soon as I heard this, I began to rite confidently, hen my mother said to her father, "it's getting late, so you'd better go to bed."。" Dad said, "no, I'm going to ait for my son to sleep together."。" I as so moved that I could not speak.

Daddy, I love you forever!

四年级小学生写人英语作文:我的爸爸 (篇六)

My father, thirty-four years old, tall, thin lips, tall nose, earing a pair of gold glasses, black hair, looks cool. My father has a strong endurance. He not only loves his ork, but also has a cheerful personality. He never loses his temper.

My father is a orkaholic, a day evening, he as at home is also an unshakable stand, sit at the computer room is not draing is to look at the computer. Because he is a to computer division! Only one day off - Sunday, he also computer half a day to find information on the computer.

Once, I as doing my maths homeork, suddenly there is a star question stumped me, I left to right ant, ith to pieces of papers, or do not come out. I ent to ask my father, and dad sa it. I took a piece of paper and dre a picture for me. He spoke three times, and my mind as still blank. I thought my father as going to scold me and thought, "Oh, no!""! My father said: "the father, to tell you again"。 I as very happy, this time I understand, I do my homeork properly and logically arranged. On the second day, the teacher praised my question. "It as all my dad's credit," I thought"。

I am proud of having such a father.


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