
How to learn English的作文,how to learn English作文简单

更新时间:2024-01-29 20:05:12作者:壹默


English is not difficult。I like learning English。Must first master the English ords。And should alays read English。Then master the grammar。下面是无忧自考网为大伙儿带来的7(篇《Ho to learn English英语作文》,希望能为您的思路提供一些参考。

Ho to learn English作文50词 (篇一)

I am a high student no.I am eak in English.And most students in my class are good at English.So I have to improve my English and catch up them.I make a English Study Plan.Firstly,I ill spend 20 minutes remembering ords every day.

I find that I only remember a small number of ords. Secondly,I must listen to the teacher carefully in class.And I ill do the homeork every day.Of course,listening to the English tapes every day is necessary.Sometimes I ill read some English ritings. Thirdly,I ill often use English and communcate ith classmates in English.Every Sunday,I ill learn English on the Internet. This is my plan.

中考英语作文:怎样学好英语 (篇二)

It is very important for us to learn English ell.It is also important for us to kno ho to learn English.Here is some advice.

As e kno that the interest is a best English ords ith something interesting hen e are learning them.This helps us remember them ell. For example, e can listen to English songs or atch sports programs in English.We can improve our English listening by listening to the teacher carefully in class,to the tapes very often.We can improve our riting by e-mailing to our pen pals in English.We can learn grammar by taking notes and doing lots of exercise.

Good ays ill make English learning not be boring.




Ho to learn English作文50词 (篇三)

There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and riting By doing this, e can improve ore talking and listening skill In this ay, e can gradually improve our pronunciation When e come across a ne ord Then look it up in the dictionary to have a check

Fourthly, e should practice our riting skills It is very important to avoid riting in Chinese ay and using the Chinese grammar.

As long as e listen, speak, read and rite more, e are sure to make remarkable proGREss!

中考英语作文:怎样学好英语 (篇四)

There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and riting. Firstly, e should be brave to talk ith others in English. By doing this, e can improve ore talking and listening skill. Secondly, e should try to listen to all kinds of English programmes as much as possible. In this ay, e can gradually improve our pronunciation. Thirdly, e should often read English books. When e come across a ne ord. We should guess its meaning through the contest first. Then look it up in the dictionary to have a check.

I thin,it is a good ay of reading. Fourthly, e should practice our riting skills. Whenever e have any idea, e should get the pen and rite it don at once. It is very important to avoid riting in Chinese ay and using the Chinese grammar. As long as e listen, speak, read and rite more, e are sure to make remarkable progress!

中考英语作文:怎样学好英语 (篇五)

many chinese students ho have learned english for more than ten years are still unable to speak english fluently hen they meet a foreigner. they seem to have mastered the basic language structure, but a conversation in english ill make them feel uneasy. they are afraid that other people might find out their mistakes.

it is not uncommon that many students, ho are bad speakers of english, can rite english perfectly. this proves that they are not able to organize their ideas in english. the center of the problem is that they lack practice and confidence.

hy should you be afraid? do you fear those foreigners ith hom you are speaking? dont be shy, they ill not laugh at you just for a small mistake you have made. the best ay to get rid of this trouble is to learn to speak by speaking more. i am sure that constant practice ill help you to succeed.

ho to learn english? (篇六)

Next year, I ill go to study at university, but I don’t kno ho to adapt myself to university life. I hear many freshmen are at a loss hat to do hen they are at university. They can’t take care of themselves in their everyday life, feeling lonely and homesick. Clothes, money or mobile phones are sometimes gone. (英语作文)And because of different climates and food, they often feel sick. Some even rent rooms outside the campus. Could you tell me ho to deal ith these problems so that I ill be able to suit the university life in the future?

中考英语作文:怎样学好英语 (篇七)

English is important and useful to us. Ho can e learn it ell? Here are my suggestions.


First, e should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, e should speak English in class as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the feer mistakes you’ll make. We'd better join the English club and practice ith others. Third, e can read more English nespapers and magazines. It’s good for us. At last, e should recite some good passages and keep diaries.


In a ord, as long as e do more listening, speaking, reading and riting, e ill learn English ell.


以上就是无忧自考网为大家带来的7篇《Ho to learn English英语作文》,能够帮助到您,是无忧自考网最开心的事情。

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