

更新时间:2024-01-08 11:37:03作者:壹默



No Pains, No Gains英语四六级作文 (篇一)

To sa\h lo that they can’t not make ends meet. At first, I ould pity for them, but in the long run, I find their ork is so easy, they just sit in the office from 9 am to 5 pm, they even don’t need to go out for business.

While I see another friend, he orks so hard, his orking hour is very unstable, sometimes he even orks until 9 pm. The fact is that he earns the most beteen my friends. It is true that no pain, no gain, if people ant more, they need to pay out more. Comparing to be envy about other people’s great income, e’d better to ork hard to realize hat e ant. There is not short-cut for people to get successful, orking hard is the only ay.

大学英语四六级作文 (篇六)

The only problem unconsciously assumed by all Chinese philosophers to be of any importance is: Ho shall e enjoy life, and ho can best enjoy life? No perfectionism, no straining after the unattainable, no postulating of he unknoable; but taking poor, modal human nature as it is, ho shall e organize our life so that e can oke peacefully, endure nobly and live happily?

Who are e? That is first question. It is a question almost impossible to anser. But e all agree ith the busy self occupied in our daily activities is not quite the real self. We are quite sure e have lost something in the mere pursuit of living. When e atch a person running about looking for something in a field, the ise man can set a puzzle for all the spectator to solve: hat has that person lost? Some one thinks is a atch; another thinks it is a diamond brooch; and others ill essay other guesses. After all the guesses have failed, the ise man ho really doesn't kno hat the person is seeking after, tells the company:" I'll tell you. He has lost some breath." And no one can deny that he is right. So e often forget our true self in the pursuit of living, like a bird forgetting its on danger in pursuit of a mantis hich again forgets its on danger in pursuit of another.

No Pains, No Gains英语四六级作文 (篇七)

It is autumn no, people like this season very much, because it is a harvest season.

In the picture, e can see many corns on the ground, they are so big, so many, the yello grains come up to each other, closer and closer, make a corn heavier and heavier.

This scene makes everybody smile. They ill have enough food to eat, leave hungry behind.

A child is sitting on the corns, he is so excited that he picks up one of the corns, and try to eat it. From his eyes, e kno he ants to say "I am not hungry no." this picture tells us the grains are precious, e need to treasure them instead of asting them.

英语四六级作文 (篇八)

City Problems Noadays, millions of migrant orkers flock into cities in search of jobs and better living. Hoever, ith the sharp rise in the urban population, many problems arise in the development of cities.

Firstly, cities become more and more croded, putting much pressure upon transportation, housing, sanitation, education, employment and so on. City services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point. Secondly, a groing number of private cars emit huge amount of carbon dioxide, leaving the air mercilessly polluted. What is more, the city is also threatened by rising crime. Not a single day passes ithout the report of someone being robbed, kidnapped or murdered.

Last but not least, city-dellers are not only separated from the natural orld but also isolated from each other, even not knoing the name of their next-door neighbor.

All these problems have harmed the attractiveness of the city. Unless there is some improvement, more and more people may seek to live in the suburbs.


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