

更新时间:2024-01-08 11:37:03作者:壹默


我梦想中的家英语作文 ((篇一)

M o your advice, I'll invent a better house for you to buy, and it's a preferential price!


Let everyone have a happy and safe life, at the same time, let everyone kno that I am a good person ho helps others.

我梦想中的'家英语作文 (篇四)

This is my house of the future.

In the living room, there ill be a big TV and a long sofa. We'll atch TV and Play there.

In the library, there ill be a lot of books, DVDs and a DVD player. We ill read books and listen to music there.

The kitchen ill be big 。We'll cook and eat there.

In the bedrooms, there ill be beds, tables, clothes and a robot 。 The robot ill seep the stairs, ash the vase, clean the lamp, ater the plants, set the table, make the cake and clean the toilet.

In the simming pool, there ill be trees and a slide.

In the future, my mother ill be younger and younger.

my dream home的优秀英语作文 (篇五)

My dream home is a very beautiful house ith a garden, a simming pool and a football field.

There are three floors in the house. On the ground floor, there are to large nice sitting-rooms, to big dinning-rooms and a kitchen. We can atch TV, have meals and chat ith friends there. It’s a good place to meet friends there.

On the first floor, there are about eight bedrooms. Every bedroom has to computers, a shoer and a very comfortable bed. You can sleep in it.

On the second floor, there is a big TV and a computer. You can atch films there. There is a table and four sofas in it too. We can sit on it and atch films.

There is a big tree in the garden. In Summer, e can sit under the tree and chat ith each other. We can also gro floers there. There are many beautiful floers there.

In Autumn, e can play football on the football field. We can practice playing football every day.

This is my dream home. I enjoy living in

my dream home的优秀英语作文 (篇六)

My dream home is at the foot of a hill.There is a football fild in front of my house and a simming poll besied it.

My house is very large.It has three floors.

There is a kitchen and a cinema on the ground floor.The kitchen is very big.The is alays more than enough food there.The cimema has a huge TV set.I often invite my friends to atch films at the eekend.

On the first floor there are 12 bedrooms. Each room has a ne computer and all the beds are comfortable. Sometimes my friends like to come and stay ith me.

There are to big rooms on the second floor. My friends and I often have parties there. It is great fun!

读书破万卷下笔如有神,以上就是无忧自考网为大家整理的6篇《my dream home的优秀英语作文》,希望可以启发您的一些写作思路。

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