

更新时间:2024-01-15 17:09:46作者:壹默



保护海洋的`重要性英语作文 (篇一)

The seas and oceans receive the brunt of human aste, hether it is b . blue sky, the sky the sun, seagulls flying, this beautiful picture of you! What an intoxicated! I feel relaxed and happy.

Can be hen I sa the sea of a moment, I am disappointed, the mood suddenly changed. Because my eyes of the sea is dark, is muddy, is not angry, is not confident. Some just inferiority. I kno that the sea is not so, but people are polluting into this.

No, human beings in order to live, a large number of cutting trees, cut and not planted, ho many of the previous tropical rain forest, no is flat, ho many trees, no replaced by high-rise buildings. Factory emissions, air pollution, and no trees to release fresh air. And plant emissions of toxic asteater, so that ater in the small fish, shrimp have been poisoned, and the river afloat smelly fish dead bodies and garbage, all this is ho terrible ah!

Let's go and embrace the nature! To protect nature! Let everything in the orld be beautiful.





保护海洋的重要性英语作文 (篇五)

Marine environment that includes ater,sea ater dissolves the material and suspended solids,sediments and marine organisms,including complex systems.The rich marine biological resources,mineral resources,chemical resources and poer resources is an indispensable resource treasure house of human,ith human survival and development of very close relationship.

The main objective of the current marine conservation is to protect marine biological resources,so as not to failure,for the sustainable use of human beings.Particular priority to protect the valuable and endangered endangered marine life.According to the United Nations to an investigation,due to overfishing,accidental killing of non-target to allo hunting of marine,coastal beaches of the construction,mangrove deforestation,pollution of the marine environment in general,at least 25 the orld's most valuable fishery resources depleted,hales,sea turtles,manatees and many other marine animals are facing the danger of extinction.Expected that ith the expansion of marine development,marine resources are likely to cause more damage.

First,the task of marine conservation of marine biological resources to stop the excessive use of,and secondly to protect the habitat of marine life or habitat,in particular,their migration,spaning,feeding,avoiding predators coast,beaches,estuaries,coral reefs,to to prevent the heavy metals,pesticides,oil,organic produce and easy to eutrophication and other pollution of the marine nutrients.Maintain the regeneration ability of marine biological resources and the natural purification capacity of ater,preservation of the marine ecological balance and ensure the sustainable human development and utilization of ocean.


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