

更新时间:2024-01-01 09:53:20作者:壹默



Article five: Thanksgiving Da the year.


I hope you have a feeling of gratitude after dinner.


Today is Thanksgiving Day, I ant to tell you that I love you.


This is the first time e're not together for Thanksgiving.


You can't be ith us on Thanksgiving, but e'll miss you.


I hope you can give birth to a feeling of gratitude after Thanksgiving dinner.


I'll be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.


Family reunion holiday, can not see you, I ill feel sad.


This ill be the first time e're not together for Thanksgiving.


Happy Thanksgiving, my friend!

感恩节英语作文 篇六)



感恩节英语作文 (篇七)

Edard Winslo's account details that "they ent out and killed five deer" and mentions that "our governor sent four men on foling" and that "they four, in one day, killed as much fol as, ith a little help beside, served the company almost a eek." While it is possible that turkeys may have been killed, it is more likely that ducks or geese ere the primary targets.

In addition, the crops gron by both settler and Native American ould have graced that early thanksgiving dinner. Corn, squash, potatoes, yams, even heat to make bread ere, in all probability, shared and enjoyed.

Today there is such a large variety of food to choose from that a Thanksgiving Dinner can feature almost any main course. True, the traditional turkey is still the meat of choice, yet goose, duck, ham, even some of the sea's harvests can be used. In place of seet potatoes, peas, greens, and even more exotic vegetables all make their ay to this celebration of Thanksgiving and harvest.

The key to a Thanksgiving menu is to choose foods that ill represent the idea of giving thanks for a good year, a harvesting of good fortune, and the sharing of the bounty of your efforts ith friends and family. In today's orld, the only limit on preparing a Thanksgiving Dinner is an individual's imagination and creativity.

感恩节英语作文 (篇八)

The poer of love

Love is the parents is the orld‘s largest love, is in their minds share of family support them, let them e in the heart of the disaster sons and daughters。

Kitagaa, May 14, 20xx, the parents ho struggle ith death more than 40 hours after the three-year-old girl Song Xin Yi finally rescued, rescue orkers to feed her milk。 Her parents live in the time, desperate to protect the fragile body of her, until both passing aay, also maintained that posture。 Parents touched by the love of God, let the children saved, small Xinyi Zaitianzhiling parents can fort!

有关感恩节的英语作文 (篇九)

My most grateful teacher is Ms. Ding Fang, the head teacher of grade one to three in my primary school, and also my math teacher. She has helped me a lot.

Once, I failed my math test ith only 80 points. Teacher Ding asked us to take the test paper home to correct it. The next day, one by one. The next day, hen I took the test paper to Miss Ding, she as shocked and asked, "Qiu Yuke, hy did you do so badly this time?" After that, I analyzed the reasons for my mistakes one after another, and then encouraged me to do better in the next exam. Later, my math score ent up in a straight line.

Another time, hen I as in the third grade, a class as just finished. I as chatting ith a classmate hen a person tripped over the door frame and knocked don the classmate. After my ear as violently scratched against the all, it bled. The blood as floing more and more. The monitor on duty led me to Mr. Ding's office. Seeing this, Mr. Ding hurriedly sent me to the opposite clinic, painted a little red liquid, and then rushed me to the hospital for surgery

Teacher Ding also selected me into the national flag team, making me a glorious flag guard; When I am not in a good state in class, she ill remind me ith her eyes and let me enter the state immediately.

No that I am in the fifth grade, Miss Ding no longer teaches us, but she ill alays be my beloved teacher.


- -END- -




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