
my habits 英语作文80词 带翻译,my habit英语作文带翻译

更新时间:2023-12-04 13:49:27作者:壹默


养成一个好习惯需要花费很长的时间,而一个坏习惯的形成往往只需要一瞬间就能塑就。无忧自考网为您带来了6(篇《my habit英语作文》,如果对您有一些参考与帮助,请分享给最好的朋友。

my habit英语作文 (篇一)

Everyone has a special habit hich fromed hen his or her young. When I as only four, I formed a habit of honest just for one simple experience. That day my mom asked me to recite a poem. Easy although the poem as, I did not interested in reciting it at all. I rote it don on the paper and then told my mother that the poem as ritten from memory. I finished it so quickly that my mother cannot trust me. “ Did you actually recite it in such a short time?”She ask me. I as frightened. I thought for a hile, then I said“Sorry, I did not”To my surprise mom did not blame me. She told me that it as a good habit to be honest. “Tell other the truth,”she said, “then you ill never be questioned.”This good habit helps me a lot as I am groing up. At the school, my teachers trust me. In the class, classmates trust me. In my family, parents trust me. Honesty is my good habit. I think a good habit gives you goodness fou my hole life.

my habit英语作文 (篇二)

Everyone has their on habit. I have some living habits. I ill take off my shoes and put on the slippers hen I arrive home. And I get used to drink some soup before having dinner. What’s more, I have to keep my room light on until I fall asleep. If I am forced to change anything about this, I ill be very uncomfortable. For example, if I don’t ear slipper at home, I ill be very uncomfortable. If I can’t drink soup before dinner, I can’t eat anything. And I can’t fall asleep if the light is off. This is my living habit. Maybe I ill change it one day, but no I can’t receive any change about them.


my habit英语作文 (篇三)

I am pretty healthy because I have some good habits.

First of allI don't eat snack food but healthy foodbecause snack food is bad to our health.

NextI take exercise every day for about one hourand it can keep me strong.

ThenI have enough sleep every dayfor it can help me gain enough energy.

If you keep these habits like meyou ill keep health as ell.






my habit英语作文 (篇四)

I have a lot of habbits,and I ant to talk about one of them today,hich is reading.I like reading,and have developed this habbit since I as in elementry me,reading is not only a method to get more knoledge,but also a ay to relax.When I feel stressed,I ould read something light and interesting,so that I can calm don,and have a better attitude toards the problem I do have helped me a lot by many means,and I consider it my most beneficial habbit of all.I love reading!

my habit英语作文 (篇五)

my food habit is very good .l try to eat a lot of vegtablse , and l evercise every day .l never drink coffee; l come home from school on foot .l eat fruit and drink mrik every day . of course ,l love junk food. l eat it to or three a eek. see you,l look after my health .and my healthy lifestyle helps me get good , grades , good food and evercise help me to study better.

my habit英语作文 (篇六)

My habit

I usually get up at half past six in the morning.And I use ten minutes to ash my face and brush my teeth.Then I muse finish eating the breakfast in tenty minutes for I have to go to school at seven o'clock.I alays ride to school.Classes finish at five o'clock in the afternoon.And I often play basketball ith my friends after class for one hour.Then I go home and have supper.After atching TV for to hours,I go to bed.

- -END- -




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