

更新时间:2023-12-04 12:55:27作者:壹默



国庆节英语作文 (篇一)

Junu past.then light clouds, in the branch of the season, e should have the motherland 56 birthday ith you, can ith ZhuGuoQing, I feel very happy. Here, I ant to motherland proud mother said: I love you, China!

Ah! Huanghe river, all, you feed the onseep of hat a splendid ethnic! Five thousand years of history, the Chinese civilization, etc to breathtaking. Oh, the motherland, the river is floing through a long run you elegant long long mountain is hale backbone. You have mountains of treasure, you have beautiful varied landscape, you are resplendent and magnificent imperial palace, have you an ting stretch of the Great Wall, the history, there are eight. You still have a lot of... In your vast territory, generation after generation descendants ith our on hands created splendid Oriental civilization.

Hoever, e ill not forget, the Chinese nation also had the vicissitudes of life, after suffering, our motherland has much humiliation and insult. We shall never forget the bright garden, forget in every Chinese head "Asia" hat, forget the park gate "Chinese and dog alloed" sign, forget the 300,000 compatriots in nanjing Yangtze river is red ith blood. The earth in the Yello River in cry moans, hoever, Chinese people never crushed.

Chinese children in humen as uncovered against aggression. The taiping heavenly kingdom, the flag of 1898, the yi ho tuan arrior JingLei broadsord, the revolution of 1911 gunshots, sho the orld that the Chinese nation: Ch

国庆节英语作文范文 (篇二)

Today, I'm going to see my grandparents and those lovely little animals. It's nice! Although there ere a lot of people on national day, I as excited at the thought of returning to my long-aaited hometon.

When I arrived at my hometon, after greeting my grandparents, I ran to the co pen as fast as I could to see the "calf". Yo, the calves have become big! I've been surprised to see it for so long. At first, the behemoth sa me and stared at me ith his big, round black eyes, as if he as afraid of me. It doesn't matter, but I as frightened by the evil spirit in the black bead! Its nostrils have been breathing out, like dissatisfaction ith me. I sa him and hurried aay.

After lunch the next day, my mother-in-la said she as going to mo the co. As soon as I heard that I as going to do this "big thing" , I immediately grabbed my mother-in-la's arm and said, "I'm going too, I'm going too!" Of course, my mother-in-la as stubborn, but I had to let me go. When I arrived at my destination, I as attracted by a strong smell of grass, but my mother-in-la had already cut a lot of grass.

I've cut grass several times before, hich makes me use this kind of knife, but I can't cut my grandparents ith my small hands every time. Of course it's the same today. I sa my mother-in-la bending over and pulling the grass ith her left hand. Holding the knife in his right hand, he aimed at the end of the grass and "brushed" a fe times to cut a large handful of grass. The action as so clean and neat. And I cut a handful just like my mother-in-la. Before I finished my addiction, my mother-in-la poured a basin of cold ater: "enough, you'll die if you cut the co again!" Then he laughed. As soon as I sa that my mother-in-la as going back, I cut another handful of grass, stuffed it into her back pocket and ran home,

After a hile, I couldn't restrain my curiosity and ran to the co pen. At this time, the co as cheing the fresh and tender grass cut by my mother-in-la and I ith relish. But as soon as he sa me coming, he immediately stopped cheing, stood there motionless and stared at me. I sa it and said, "it's boring." He alked aay. But as soon as I left my front foot, it buried its head and ate again. It's a stranger! I hid and atched carefully. It ches ith its teeth and drools. Stamp your feet and catch flies ith your tail. Seeing this, I giggled.

国庆节英语作文 (篇三)

With the coming ofnational day, I have a one eek holiday. I really expect to it, because I antto have a short trip during these days. I ill travel toJiuzhaiValleyith my parents for three days. I have heard that the scenery ofJiuzhaiValleyis very beautiful。

国庆节英语作文范文 (篇四)

Before the national day, my mother-in-la and I ere at home. What did you say? I often feel lonely! But this special day, my father said, take me to the county to play, I am happy to jump three feet high! My father took me out for the first time. I used to say that I as busy, or something, etc... I often expected and longed for father's love. On the night my father said to take me to the county, I lost sleep. Thinking that my father ould take me to the county to play, thinking that it as the first time, my tears still floed don.

Finally, I stayed up in the morning. Because I didn't sleep that night, I as a little sleepy in the morning. My father called me soon. I took my brother and got into my father's car, hich as running on the road. My brother and I hummed a tune all the ay, and e had an unspeakable joy. My brother and I have gron up in my mother-in-la's house since childhood and seldom get the love of my parents! We all cherish this day, and of course e are obedient. Soon, e arrived at Bishan County. As soon as e got off the bus, e jumped, and tall buildings rose from the ground. There ere novelty everyhere! Dad said, take us to buy clothes, and e agreed at once! This time, dad is not saving. He bought clothes ith his brother. Of course, so am I! Although it cost my father more than 800 yuan, there as no heartache on my father's face! There as a "Dexter" shop opposite to buying clothes. My father told us to go in and eat. We all kno that it's very expensive. Last time, my mother bought us a small thing and spent 50 yuan. My brother and I didn't ant to go in, but Dad pushed us in! I only ate a chicken leg and filled it. So did my brother. It as not delicious, but the taste as really delicious... It only cost more than 20 yuan, but my brother and I didn't think it as orth it! My father took me and my brother to play trampoline. I as very big, but my father also had to ask me to play. It's really fun. I've been in junior high school, but I also feel happy hen I as a child! My brother and I jumped. My father looked don and shoed a happy face. He as so kind and kind. I'm happy. Although I'm seating, I'm happy.

At noon, my father took us to eat hot pot. My favorite is to eat hot pot! Dad ordered a lot of dishes, and e ate it for a long time

It's getting dark. Dad said he as going home. We got on the bus again. I didn't sleep last night. No I'm very sleepy. My eyes are closed. After a hile, I fell asleep in the parking space of my father's car. I don't kno hen to get home. But hen I oke up, my father as beside me, the simple clothes covered me, my tears floed don, and I tasted - seet. Dad looked at me and cried and said to me, "hat's the matter, boy!" "No, no, nothing!" Dad held me in his arms, so generous and arm... Tears came don again!

我的国庆节英语作文 (篇五)

The year is the annual National Day on October 1, the birthday of our great motherland. Along ith ups and dons, its been 59 years of our mothers, this day; this nation ill celebrate the festival at the venue.

Early in the morning, e go to school, at school, some students out of bulletin boards and painting; some do greeting cards, open class meetings ith a special theme; others through diaries, poems and other forms expressed her love for the motherland. National Day holiday, the students have to stay at home ith Mom and Dad together, the cruise sites, the great cultural experience. Shop at the door ith balloons and colorful flags, red, yello and green: permeated ith an atmosphere of jubilation.

Everybody inside, in the original discount, launched a series of promotional activities. Street sea, but also rank long car buying service, the fight must ait long periods. Scenic visitors like long, countless men, omen and children in hich to do that people have been taking advantage of the festive play out. Almost no empty parking places, restaurants, hotels, the revenue ill be substantial.

National Day is a happy holiday, really raising peoples living standards rapidly. In her mothers embrace of the motherland, happiness to gro and ish the motherland mother alays beautiful, alays prosperous and ish the motherland has become more prosperous and developed.

国庆节英语作文范文 (篇六)

During the National Day holiday, my mother deliberately didn't drive and took me to Zhuhai by double decker bus. I've never taken a double decker bus, so I'm looking forard to standing at the bus stop and aiting for the double decker bus, but I can't see the double decker bus. Just hen I as lost, a sightseeing double decker bus to dajinding came. I'm happy again. I have to pay the fare for getting on the bus, 3 yuan per person, My mother and I have to pay 6 yuan together. My mother paid the money. I can't ait to get on the second floor of the car. My mother also folloed up. There are not many good people. We finally found a seat. It's the first ro. I'm so happy because I can see the scenery and no one is blocking it.

Driving along the beach, I sa the blue sky and blue sea, fishing boats of all sizes, and flying seagulls. Ah, ho beautiful the scenery is!

Suddenly, I exclaimed, "look, mom, it's a fisherman in Zhuhai!" I sa the beautiful fisherman holding a big pearl, standing high by the sea, as if to say, "look, ho beautiful it is here. Come and take a picture ith me!"

The car kept alking, passing through the grassy Lovers Road, the beautiful bay as its name, and the magic folding stone aiting on the beach for many years. My mother told me that this folding stone is a sign of oyster sauce produced in Zhuhai, hich is famous. Finally, e passed Zhenzhu paradise, Sun Yat sen University, science and Technology Park... Etc. e got off the car at dajinding, but dajinding didn't look good, We took the return bus home.

Maybe I as too tired. I fell asleep in the car unconsciously. When I as sleeping soundly, my mother gently pushed me: "little lazy pig, get up quickly. It's the station. The next stop: go home and sleep."

I really enjoyed my trip to Zhuhai today. I really ant to tell everyone hat I see and let them come to Zhuhai to see the beautiful scenery of Zhuhai.

我的国庆节英语作文 (篇七)

It is knon to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I ent to street and sa I ill tell you!

At 8:00 I got up and ent bus station ith my mother 。O my god there ere so many people!With difficult e got up the bus and felt very croed.The traffic as so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that e arrived the center of street.

What ere orse there ere even more people!In my opinion it as not very interesting to come out at this day!Nest time I prefer to stay at home and study! The night of SThe National Day hanghai has never appealed to me. City born and city bred, Ive got tired of the brightness of neon signs and the grandeur of skyscrapers in Shanghai.


- -END- -




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无忧自考网作文中心 在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是

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