

更新时间:2023-11-06 05:25:37作者:51data

1、Located2、Privately3、Combination4、Describe5、Such as6、Construction7、Faced8、Subjected9、So that10、Meeting11、As a result12、Exchange13、As well as14、Influencing15、Aided16、Indeed17、Stock up on18、Predicted19、Althougp0、Ruins21、indicate the atmosphere at the board meeting22、She denies the value of scientific work23、climate education is insufficient at state public schools24、have limited influence.25、can be swayed by external Forces26、Its housing supply is at a very low level27、allow a free short-term rental market28、an increase in affordable housing29、The necessity to stop developers from evading taxes.30、an inadequate solution31、an ongoing conflict.32、To respond to PRH's business move33、Their customers remain loyal.34、Sales of books by mid-list PRH writers fall off considerably.35、The merger of publishers is a worrying trend36、how many times their papers are cited37、ask authors to include extra citations38、boost citation counts for certain authors.39、It has the capability to identify suspicious citations40、Reveal their misconduct41、B42、F43、D44、C45、G46、人工智能还可以用来识别出消费者生活方式的选择,包括他们的爱好、最喜欢的名人和时尚,从而通过社交媒体发布的营销信息为消费者提供独特的内容。47、一些人认为,人工智能通过抑制创造力和减少工作机会对营销人员产生了负面影响,但他们也意识到,这是一种降低成本和创造新信息的方式。48、 用于刺激人际互动的算法正在引发许多此类担忧,尤其是在没有人非常确定使用人工智能与客户互动的结果会是什么情况下。49、如果客户不愿意分享数据,人工智能将缺乏必要的信息无法有效地发挥作用,也无法使用机器学习来改善其营销内容和传播。50、 以一种对目标客户需求敏感的方式非侵入式地传递营销信息是数字营销人员面临的关键挑战之一。

51、 Notice


December 24.2022Professor Smith is looking for a student to oin his research programregarding campus sports activities. The duties of the position require thatthe student collects data on campus sports activities to be analyzed by theresearch team. This includes observing various athletic events, speaking tostudent athletes, staff, and faculty, and documenting their experiencesIn addition to data collection, the student will also be responsible fororganizing meetings with Professor Smith or other research team membersto discuss project progress. The successful applicant should be highlyorganized, patient, and have a keen interest and knowledge in sportsf vou are interested in ioining this research program, please contact usat email@123.com to apply.

Li Ming


Unfolded in the elaborately painted cartoon is an eve-catching andthought-stimulating scene: some young men are rowing dragon boats, anda large number of people crowded to watch the game. An aged grandmaturned to her spouse and said cheerfully: “it is wonderful that the DragonBoat racing is getting increasingly lively in our village.” Apparently, whatthe cartoonist attempts to emphasize is the inheritance of traditionalculture.

There is no denying that our Chinese, in recent years, have beenattaching great importance to the carrying of the traditional culture andbringing it to vitality. Traditions are supposed to be inherited andadvocated from one generation to another. Like tangible cultural heritagessuch as Great Wall and the Forbidden City, intangible cultural heritageslike Peking Opera and celebration of traditional festivals are equallycrucial. As a country consisting of a great persity of ethnic groups andwith time-honored history and civilization, China abounds in intangiblecultural heritages, which connect modern people to the historical pastallowing them to acquire a cultural and historical identity. Without culturaheritages, we would be rendered absolutely rootless and we would find ithard to cope with challenges at present and in the future.

However, the modernization process poses mounting threats tointangible heritages. It is also pathetic to see elderly people in possessionof such legacies pass away without transmitting them to the youngergeneration. Confronted with those challenges, we should both preserve andrejuvenate our ancestral heritages so that we can help contribute to culturapersity of the world.






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