

更新时间:2023-11-27 05:37:44作者:jack


Dear sir/madam

  We bought the SQ200 camera from your company several days ago and found that we can not take pictures during our journey to Guangzhou because of the malfunction which couses us great inconvient.

  We mail the camera to you in the hope that we couldget a refound for this.

  I hope you could deal with it as soon as possible. Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.

  Best wishes


  Wang Jia

  20xx 12 21


To Whom It May Concern,

  ①I am writing to plain about the poor service of yourI received when.

  ②The causes for my dissatisfaction lie upon three points as follows: 




  ③Under these circumstances, I find it difficult to(客观的评论).

  ④I am sure that you are able to thoroughly understand my discontent, which you are bound to replace with a satisfactory solution.

  ⑤I would be grateful if you could _____(表达本人的愿望)as soon as possible.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


Dear Editor,

  I am writing this letter to reflect some problems I came across recently and. appeal to the improvement of the service industry.

  This weekend I bought an English-Chinese dictionary in a bookstore near my home since its cover is elaborately designed. But when I went home and read carefully, I found that the several pages of the dictionary have been cracked and befouled. What is worse, the misprints spread everywhere in the dictionary and seriously affect my comprehension. Since there was such damage and misprint to the dictionary, I went to the bookstore to require for a replace. But to my surprise, the staff of the bookstore turn down my request rudely and even denied the poor quality of the dictionary.

  It goes without saying that today's face-paced and market-oriented economy calls for much higher standard for service industry. However, to my regret, many of the commercials fail to achieve this standard and the quality of the staff needs to be improved. It's self-evident that the poor quality of practitioners in the service industry will not only deeply disappoint customers but also hamper the development of our country's economy. As a result, I expect your newspaper to appeal to the service industry to attach more importance to the service improvement.

  Thank you for your attention!

  Sincerely yours,



  June 8, 20XX

  Dear Customer Service Representative,

  I am writing to comp[ain about the bad delivery service of your company.

  The IBM Desktop computer we ordered from your store two weeks ago finally arrived yesterday. There were not any signs of damage to the packing case at all, but when we opened it, we found, much to our surprise, that the back cover had been cracked and the screen had been scratched.

  In view of this, I have decided to make a formal complaint against your delivery service. I sincerely hope that you will replace this computer as soon as possible. If this is not possible, I will have no alternative but to insist on a full refund.

  I would appreciate anything you can do to help us in this matter.

  Yours truly,



Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am writing to let you know the deplorable attitude of one of your staff members.

  I received my telephone bill for the previous month and found there were some mistakes in calculation: I had been overcharged for 3 long-distance calls. However, when I called your Complaints Department, the girl who answered my phone was very rude. She interrupted me continually and even said it was my fault. Such a way of communicating with clients is unacceptable.

  I would like to suggest that you look into the matter as soon as possible and ask the girl to make a formal apology to me. An early response will be appreciated.

  Sincerely yours,



Dear boss:

  Thank you for reading my letter.

  Last Sunday is my classmate Mary's brithday.We went to your restaurant so as to celebrated Mary's brithday.But your restaurant was not good than I expected.We couldn't tolerate that restaurant at all.The service was really bad and the food was awful.The most unbearable was the hygiene of the restaurant was horrible,we felt very disgusting.

  We complained about the food ,the hygiene and the the service to the waiter.But his attitude was very pride and he ignored us.It was really provoking!Finally ,the waiter drove us away.How dare he was!

  All of us were very angry.I am doubt that whether I would come to your restaurant or not.




Dear Sir:

  With reference to our order No. W98, the 120 computer sets supplies to the above order were delivered the day before yesterday, but we regret that 20 sets were badly damaged.

  The packages containing the computer sets appeared to be in good condition (www.fwsir.com)and we accepted and signed for them without question. We unpacked the computer sets with care and can only assume that damage must be due to careless handling at some stage prior to packing.

  We shall be glad if you will replace all 20 sets as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we have put the damaged computer sets aside in case you need them to support a claim on your suppliers for compensation.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


Dear Sir/Madam,

  Please send us a correction on part of our order WP-11.

  All the items we ordered arrived in excellent condition except for one model. It you refer to our original order (see the copy attached), you will note that we requested your fluorescent desk-lamps, Model 606. However, Model 608 reached us instead. For details, please see the inspection certificate issued by the Tianjin Commodity Inspection Bureau.

  Will you kindly take back those you sent out and substitute them with an equal quantity (120 items) of Model 606? We would appreciate your attention to this matter promptly.

  Yours faithfully


  Directions: Write a letter of complaint according to the following situation: You bought an air conditioner in Sun Appliance and had it installed the other day, but you found that the fan made too much noise when the machine operated. You demand the store to send a representative to check it up.


  You should write at least 150 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use Li Ming instead. You do not need to write the address.

  Dear Sir or Madam,尊敬的先生或女士,

  I m writing to lodge the complaint about the poor quality of an air conditioner that I purchased from Sun Appliance Company.我写信是为了向太阳电器公司购买的一家空调质量差,投诉这一投诉。

  Frankly speaking, Sun Appliance has always been my favorite. On April 4, 2007, I bought the air conditioner (serial number 12345) from one of your chain store located in Lang Fang. The machine operated well at first, but ten days later, there was a fault that bothered me, that is, the fan made so much noise that I could not sleep well at night. Worse still, the cooling system didn t work well and the machine began to leak recently. Its poor quality ruined almost all my previous impression toward your products.


  I strongly suggest that a repairman or a service engineer should be sent to my home without delay. I wonder if you could pinpoint the exact cause of the malfunction as soon as possible. If you can t, I am afraid that I will request for full amount of refund or a new air conditioner.


  I would appreciate all your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please don t hesitate to contact me. Look forward to your reply.

  Yours Sincerely,

  Li Ming




dear sir/madm:

  thanks for your letter, from which we understand the situation. we are so sorry for our imperfect service,hope you could kindly forgive us. we look forward to serving you again with more satisfied service. again please accept our sincere invitation and we will be waiting for your soon arrival.

  with all our best regards and wishes!




  第一段需写写信的目的以及自己的一个概括的期望:常用套话比如I venture to write to complain about ……+定语从句;I would be grateful if you could do anything necessary to solve the problem facing me.

  第二段阐述两、三方面所面临的产品或服务的问题及后果:there are several aspects underlying this complaint. For one thing,......For another,......In addition,......

  第三段给出具体的期望,比如退款或更换新产品:It is my sincere hope that you could give me full refund or replace it with a new one. Your kind reply to this letter at your earliest convenience would be very much appreciated.



Dear Sales Manager,

  This letter is a complaint concerning the actions of one of your salespersons. On Tuesday, May 5, 2012, around 2 P.m, I went to your store to look for a T-shirt. When I asked a salesperson Ms. Wang for help in finding my size, she informed me that she was busy and I would have to find one myself. I explained that the reason why I came to her was that I couldn’t find one. She then said in a rude tone that if I couldn’t find one, it meant that the store didn’t have it, and that I needed to look somewhere else.

  I felt that Ms Wang was rude. I hope that you will look into the matter. I shop frequently at your store and I look forward to a more pleasurable shopping experience next time.




dear sir/ madam:

  we fully understand the situation, and we admit it's our mistake, please accept our sincere apology to you. here is the solution.., if you disagree please do let us know and we will do our best to find the best solution for you. we thank you for your kind concern and letter with which we can promote ourselves,with which we can approach to the perfect.

  wish you all the best




  You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting. He/She has parties in the room and sometimes borrows your things without asking you。

  Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college and:

  1) ask for a new room next term,

  2) you would prefer a single room,

  3) explain your reasons。

  Don’t sign your own name at the end of your letter, using“Li Ming”instead。

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am writing to express/air dissatisfaction/disappointment/concern regarding accommodation. I would prefer to move into a single room next semester, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient。

  I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties。

  To solve this difficulty/surmount this difficulty/improve this situation/crack this hard nut, I hope to draw the attention of the authorities concerned. I am sure you will agree that the only solution for me is to move into a room of my own. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible。

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


To whom it may concern,

  I am writing to make a complaint about your product and some other consumers have this problem, too.

  I bought an E-dictionary in Sum Appliance last Sunday, July 2nd,. It worked well the first three days. But on the fourth day, I found there was something wrong with the screen. I couldn't read the letters and words clearly enough, it really made me upset. What's more, I couldn't hear the pronunciations clearly, either.

  I am providing you the following information, the date I bought it is July 2nd, and its serial number is H201, and I also enclose the guarantee statement with it. I hope you can provide me another new E-dictionary rather than just maintaining it. Because I simply cannot use this one, it's out of service and function.

  I hope you can solve this problem for us.

  Please contact me at 15111111111 or by fax at 00000000, you can also write an emial to xxx@163.cn

  Mr. Zhang


Dear Sir or Madam,

  I bought an electronic dictionary from your online store on January 1st,but I found it has some problems after using it for a short period of time.

  To begin with,the battery needs recharging after a mere 2 hours of use.This means that I need to carry my charger with me when I go out for a day.In addition,the buttons on the electronic dictionary are so small that it is nearly impossible to type anything with them.Personally,I find this to be pletely unacceptable.

  Therefore,I would like to either change the electronic dictionary for another model that works well or a full refund.Your help is greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang We


Dear manager,

  I bought an SQ200 mobile phone at The First department store.The mobile phone couldn't sent message and take photos after a short time.I hope The First department store can exchange a new one with me or return me the whole money.

  Dear manager,

  I bought an SQ200 mobile phone at The First department store.The mobile phone couldn't sent message and take photos after a short time.I hope The First department store can exchange a new one with me or return me the whole money.




Dear Sir,

  I am writing to let you know the deplorable attitude of one of your staff member. I received my telephone bill for the previous month from you and thought there were some errors in calculation: I had been overcharged for two overseas calls.

  However, when I called your Complaints Department, the girl who answered my phone was very rude. For one thing she interrupted me continually, for another she even said that the fault was my own. Needless to say, such a way of dealing with customers is unacceptable.

  I would like to suggest that the girl in question should be disciplined, and instructed on the proper way to deal with clients. And I hope she can make formal apology to me.

  An early response will be appreciated.

  Sincerely yours,



Dear Customer Service Representative,

  I am writing to comp[ain about the bad delivery service of your company.

  The IBM Desktop computer we ordered from your store two weeks ago finally arrived yesterday. There were not any signs of damage to the packing case at all, but when we opened it, we found, much to our surprise, that the back cover had been cracked and the screen had been scratched.

  In view of this, I have decided to make a formal complaint against your delivery service. I sincerely hope that you will replace this computer as soon as possible. If this is not possible, I will have no alternative but to insist on a full refund.

  I would appreciate anything you can do to help us in this matter.

  Yours truly,



Dear manager,

  I write this letter to you to make some complaints about the computer I bought in your store yesterday afternoon. There' s something wrong with it. That makes me extremely unhappy.

  The computer cannot be properly shut down when I got it back to the office. When I click the shutdown button, it seems that the machine gives no response. And I'm so annoyed with it.

  It's obvious that you didn' t carefully examine the machine before you sold it. I think your store should take full responsibility for selling me the defective machine. I insist that you give me a satisfactory reply. I do want you to give back my money as soon as possible.

  Sincerely yours,



Dear sir/madam  We bought the SQ200 camera from your company several days ago and found that we can not take pictures during our




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