

更新时间:2023-12-04 11:36:29作者:51data

一、参考作文Our Minds and Others’It is said that people truly deep in thought are good at learning from others’ minds because they know very well what is suitable for themselves and make it reborn. This statement, to a large degree, coincides with one basic principle of Marxist Philosophy——things are developing with an upward spiral. Most importantly, it reveals the relationship between our minds and others’, and the right way to deal with the relationship.Our minds mingle with others’. It is not difficult to notice a common phenomenon that we, as human beings, often tend to dwell on an idea or certain thoughts in our mind, especially when confronting challenges or even sufferings. It also happens that sometimes a kind of feeling somehow embraces us and we don’t know where it is from or how to describe it. For those ideas, thoughts, or feelings, we may regard them as something very personal and even feel isolated from the outside world. The Metaphysical poet John Donne, however, once wrote in his poem a well-known line, “No man is an island”. It is such a truth that people are living as social creatures from generation to generation. Our experiences, thoughts and feelings may not be so special on the earth. Blinded by what is going on at the very moment, we easily ignore the whole picture of human life, failing to admit that our minds may find its roots, mingle with others’ or even echo to those of great ones. For example, coming cross a place or a person, you suddenly acquire a sense of familiarity, but strangely, in your head you just cannot recall anything about the place or the person. To figure it out, you ask one friend who shares the same feeling, he or she tells you that a French word “Deja vu” has been invented for this particular sensation. You further discover countless data around this topic in libraries or on the internet. It is the time when you feel lucky and less alone for resonating with and learning from others.Our minds outstand for ourselves. We are living in a chaotic and pided world where choices are to be made everywhere. Different minds lead to different choices; different choices bring about different consequences. Among a kaleidoscope of thoughts, there are obsolete ones, stupid ones, and insidious ones. We have to make great efforts to substitute them with hopeful ones, smart ones, and goodwill ones. Hence, it’s essential for us to see things with a knee eye and choose right from wrong. If somebody suggests you take drugs, it won’t be a huge task for you to say no. Sadly, in real life, things can be pretty complex, and every principle proves to be true only under certain conditions. Now there is another situation when an old dying man is eager to take a cigarette, and I guess nobody would say that smoking should be forbidden. Every inpidual is unique and every situation is specific. Similarly, our minds stand out among others’ only when they are suitable for ourselves. For instance, Sigmund Freud coins the term “Oedipus Complex” to denote a child’s desire to have sexual relations with the parent of the opposite sex. This theory has been applied by many psychologists to help their clients in the process of psychoanalysis. Nevertheless, many successors of Freud criticize his perspective on “sex”, and they develop new theories to approach the mental world of human beings.To sum up, on the one hand, it is of great significance to know that someone feels or thinks the same way as we do in this world. We are not alone since our minds mingle with others’. On the other hand, the right way to deal with the relationship between our minds and others’ is to maintain their best parts and to develop new systems in order to serve ourselves as well as ever-changing situations.二、汉译英参考译文At some point, in the field of poetry has grown a kind of weeds that cannot be called poetry. If the weeds cover the whole, poetry and poets will lose its glory and nobility in humanity.We may name these weeds as "dead poems" or "the corpse of poetry". The so-called "poets", using an axe, forcefully cut off some ordinary lines, as if a butcher chopped pork into pieces down to water. Thus, the stinking smell of "dead poems" penetrates the garden of poetry, and they overtly stigmatize "poetry" for the sake of "poetry", even by lying at the entry to show the public its corpse. Ragged verses, though lacking technique, are superior to "dead poems" in the morals of poetry.Whoever wants to enter into the world of poetry must stick to its inherent good qualities and its historic role.If the world is filthy, poetry must be pure. If the world is corrupt, poetry must be noble. If the world is dark, poetry must be illuminating.Poetry should be the summit of human culture and the soul of human beings---a combination of glory and nobility. If nothing is seen in this world, poetry must tell people where the light of hope can be found and which path leads to life. Even when the world comes to an end, poetry will be bound to bring the last warmth and comfort to man.I don't deny that poetry, as mentioned by some, is not only about to sing praises, but also to reveal, to criticize, and to fight. However, no matter what kind of appearance poetry shows, she must be elegant and noble. “Big Rat” in The Book of Songs, with all its insights to the world, never loses the unique style of wording. Qu Yuan has got a sharp eye for politics, but the lines of "Li Sao" remain in forever decency and grace.







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