

更新时间:2023-10-31 13:05:48作者:英语帮


  • [zh t]


    limbs,limbs and trunk
相关词语 肢体感肢体感缺失附属肢体肢体细长症分割…的肢体肢体语言肢体末端的 相关英语单词
  • 以下英语单词包含“肢体”的意思
  • acrognosis 肢体感,肢体感缺失
  • appendage n. 附属物,依附的人,<生>附属器官,附属肢体(如臂、腿、尾等)
  • appendages n. 附属物( appendage的名词复数 ),依附的人,<生>附属器官,附属肢体(如臂、腿、尾等)
  • dolichomorphic adj. 部分肢体特别长的
  • dolichostenomelia 细长指,肢体细长症
  • dismembered v. 分割…的肢体,肢解( dismember的过去式和过去分词),身首异处
  • limbs n. 肢( limb的名词复数 ),大树枝,肢体
  • abducted v. 劫持,诱拐( abduct的过去式和过去分词 ),<生理>使(肢体等)外展
  • abducting v. 劫持,诱拐( abduct的现在分词 ),<生理>使(肢体等)外展
  • abducts v. 劫持,诱拐( abduct的第三人称单数 ),<生理>使(肢体等)外展
  • The doctor checked my reflexes. 医生检查了我的肢体的反射能力。
  • Read their body language. Are their eyes wandering or are they drumming the desk with their fingers? 解读他们的肢体语言。他们的眼睛游离不定吗,抑或他们在用手指不停地敲打桌子?
  • Body language can also be used to attract members of the opposite sex. 肢体语言也可以用来吸引异性的注意。
  • Fig . 1 - 1 A, Straight ( rectangular ) tourniquets fit optimally on cylindrical limbs. 图1-1A直 ( 长方形 ) 止血带最适合用于柱状的肢体.
  • Dolls'clothing and parts - arms , legs, torsos - would be scattered over her lawn. 她家的草坪上撒满了玩偶的衣服和肢体 --- 胳膊 、 大腿和躯干.
  • Finally, the transcript does not carry inflections of voice and body language. 最后, 记录手本其实不反映声音和肢体语言.
  • Have I been in physical altercations with men? 我有和男人们发生肢体上冲突么?
  • Our findings relate to physically rather than the visually handicapped pupils. 我们的研究结果是关于肢体残疾的学生,而不是视力有障碍的学生.
  • Buchanan was suspended for a year from Georgetown University after brawling with police. 布坎南因与警察发生肢体冲突而被乔治敦大学停学一年。
  • He stretched his lean, lithe body. 他伸了伸他那瘦削, 灵活的肢体.
