

更新时间:2023-11-04 16:42:38作者:jack




  Happy Fathers Day



  Hey, Dad! Happy Fathers Day!


  Thank you for everything you have done, you areone in a million. Happy Fathers Day to you.


  Happy Fathers Day! Your efforts and prayers are solely due to our groth. Thank you, Dad.


  Happy Fathers Day! Dad, it as you ho made me see a broader sky, and it as you ho made me stand higher and farther.


  Previously, you hugged me and laughed, but in the future, I ill hold you and alk sloly. Happy Fathers Day!



  父亲节介绍(Introduction to Fathers Day):

  父亲节(Fathers Day),顾名思义是感恩父亲的节日。约始于二十世纪初,起源于美国,现已广泛流传于世界各地,节日日期因地域而存在差异。



  Fathers Day, as its name implies, is a festival of thanking fathers. It began around the beginning of the 20th century and originated in the United States. It has no been idely spread around the orld, and holiday dates vary depending on region.

  The most extensive date is the third Sunday in June every year. There are 52 countries and regions in the orld celebrate Fathers Day on this day. There are various ays to celebrate during festivals, most of hich are related to giving gifts, family gatherings, or activities.

  There is no official Fathers Day in China. But mainland people are accustomed to using the third Sunday in June as Fathers Day; The Taian region is scheduled to celebrate August 8th every year, also knon as the "August 8th Festival".

  父亲节的由来(The origin of Fathers Day):

  Sunday is Fathers Day in the United States, anoccasion to mark and celebrate the contributions offathers.


  The non-federal holiday is observed each year on thethird Sunday in June, hich this year, falls on thefirst day of summer .


  Families usually celebrate the day ith taking Dad out to dinner and plying him ith gifts,including far too many ties. Economists say Americans spend more than$1 billion each year on Fathers Day gifts.

  父亲节这一天,很多家庭请父亲去餐馆吃饭,并给父亲买礼物, 包括太多的领带。经济学者说,美国人每年父亲节买礼物要花费10亿美元。

  The humble origins of Fathers Day began on July 5, 1908 hen a West Virginiachurch held a Sunday service in memory of 362 men ho had died the previous year inexplosions in coal mines.


  The next year, a Spokane, Washington oman ho as raised by her idoed father set outto establish a male equivalent of Mothers Day. She as successful and in 1910 Washingtonstate celebrated the nations first stateide Fathers Day.


  By the end of the ar, Fathers Day as a national institution.


  节日起源(The origin of the festival):

  (一)美国起源(American origin)

  世界上的第一个父亲节,1910年诞生在美国,是由住在美国华盛顿州斯波坎 的布鲁斯多德夫人 倡导的,多德夫人的母亲在生育第六个孩 子时,因难产而死,多德夫人的父亲威廉斯马特先生 曾参加过南北战争,他在妻子过世后,独自一人在华盛顿州东部的一个乡下农场,承担起抚养、教育六个孩子的重任,多德夫人在家中排行老二,亦是家里唯一的女孩,女性的细心特质,让她更能体会父亲的辛劳,斯马特先生白天辛劳地工作,晚上回家还要照料家务与每一个孩子的生活,经过几十年的辛苦,儿女们终于长大成人,当子女们盼望能让斯马特先生好好安享晚年之际,斯马特先生却因多年的过度劳累于1909年辞世。

  1909年斯马特先生辞世之年,当多德夫人参加完教会的母亲节感恩礼拜后,她特别想念父亲,多德夫人心中明白,她的父亲在养育儿女过程中所付出的爱和艰辛,并不亚于任何一个母亲,多德夫人将她的感受告诉给教会的瑞马士牧师 ,希望能有一个特别的日子,纪念全天下伟大的父亲,她的这一想法得到了牧师的赞许,同时得到了各教会组织的支持,多德夫人随即写信向市长与州政府表达了自己的想法,并建议以她父亲的生日——每年的6月5日作为父亲节,斯波坎市市长与华盛顿州州长公开表示赞成,州政府采纳这一建议的同时,把节期改在6月的第三个星期日,1910年6月19日多德夫人所在的华盛顿州斯波坎市,举行了全世界的第一次父亲节庆祝活动,在差不多的时间里,美国各地其它城镇的人们也开始庆祝“父亲节”。



  The orlds first Fathers Day, born in the United States in 1910, as initiated by Mrs. Bruce Dodd, Sonora Louise Smart Dodd, ho lived in Spokane, Washington, USA. Mrs. Dodds mother died in childbirth hile giving birth to her sixth child. Mrs. Dodds father, Mr. William Smart, had participated in the Civil War, and after the death of his ife, he as alone on a rural farm in eastern Washington State, bearing the responsibility of raising and educating six children, Mrs. Dodd as the second child in the family, and as the only girl in the family. Let her more appreciate the hard ork of her father, Mr. Smart orked hard during the day, and ent home at night to take care of household chores and every childs life, after decades of hard ork, the children finally gre up, hen the children hoped to let Mr. Smart enjoy a good old age, Mr. Smart died in 1909 because of years of overork.

  In 1909, the year of Mr. Smarts death, hen Mrs. Dodd attended the churchs Mothers Day Thanksgiving service, she especially missed her father, Mrs. Dodd kne that her father in the process of raising children as much love and hard as any mother, Mrs. Dodd told the churchs Rev. Rasmus her feelings. She anted a special day to honor the great fathers of all the orld. Her idea as ell received by the pastor and supported by various church organizations. Mrs. Dodd rote to the mayor and the state to express her idea, and suggested that her fathers birthday, June 5th, be celebrated as Fathers Day. The mayor of Spokane and the governor of Washington publicly agreed, and hen the state government adopted the proposal, it moved the holiday to the third Sunday in June. On June 19, 1910, Spokane, Washington, here Mrs. Dodd lived, held the orlds first Fathers Day celebration. People in other tons and cities across the United States also began to celebrate Fathers Day.

  On Fathers Day, people choose specific floers to express their respect and miss their father, people adopted Mrs. Dodds suggestion, earing red roses to sho love for the living father, earing hite roses to express mourning for the dead father, this custom has been passed don to the present day, the date of Fathers Day varies at first, and some places use dandelion as a symbol of Fathers Day. In some places, the father is honored ith hite lilac lined ith a green leaf.

  In 1924, President Coolidge expressed support for the establishment of a national Fathers Day proposal, in 1966, President Johnson signed a presidential proclamation, declaring the third Sunday in June of the year as the United States Fathers Day, in 1972, President Nixon signed a formal document, the third Sunday in June of each year as the United States Fathers Day, and became a permanent memorial day in the United States.

  (二)中国起源(Chinese origin)

  父亲节并非“泊来”的节日,中国也有自己的父亲节,中国的父亲节起源,要追溯到民国时期,1945年8月8日,上海发起了庆祝父亲节的活动,市民立即响应,抗日战争胜利后,上海市各界名流,联名请上海市政府转呈中央政府,定“爸爸 ”谐音的8月8日为全国性的父亲节,在父亲节这天,人们佩带鲜花,表达对父亲的敬重和思念。




  Fathers Day is not a "to come" festival, China also has its on fathers Day, the origin of Chinas Fathers Day, dating back to the Republic of China period, August 8, 1945, Shanghai launched a celebration of Fathers Day activities, the public immediately responded, after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, celebrities from all alks of life in Shanghai, jointly requested the Shanghai municipal government to submit to the central government, Set "father" homophonic August 8 for the national Fathers Day, on the fathers Day, people ear floers to express respect and miss the father.

  On August 6, 1945, Shanghai Shenbao published an article titled "The Origin of Fathers Day on August 8." The article said: The United States to commemorate the European ar dead in the ife and mother, once initiated the creation of Mothers Day. No is the time for China to create its on Fathers Day. Because the "father" shape is the same as "88", and the pronunciation of "88" is also the same as "dad", it calls on the people of Shanghai to come together to celebrate the "88 Fathers Day". At that time, although the Japanese army had been defeated, but had not surrendered, Shanghai as still under their control, and this initiative "secretly expressed the meaning of nostalgia for the motherland", hich as really risky. At the end of the article, a total of 10 initiators signed publicly are: Yan Huiqing, Yuan Xilian, Chen Qingshi, Mei Lanfang, Shi Rich, Yan Duhe, Fei Mu, Lu Ganchen, Fu Wenshou, Zhang Yiqu.

  "Chinas eight-year ar of resistance has finally on the final victory, and the soldiers killed in these eight years are countless, and the spirit of loyalty and courage of this generation of soldiers, ho go forard and kill the enemy, is the result of his fathers daily education and encouragement at any time, so his fathers influence on the victory of the ar of resistance is very great." After the First World War, Ms. Garvelin of the United States initiated Mothers Day to honor the ives and mothers of the fallen soldiers in the European War, because they had great contributions to the country; We should follo the precedent and establish a Fathers Day that also honors the fathers and brothers of those ho died in the ar, for they also had a great effect on the country, and made both parents and fathers proud."

  On August 8 each year, it has become a national legal "Fathers Day". On that day, children ear floers to commemorate - the father is alive, ith red floers; The dead ear hite floers. Promotional efforts folloed.

  父亲节祝福语(Blessings on Fathers Day):


  Dad, you ill alays be the most type in my heart, the best father, I ish you a happy fathers Day!


  Do not need ords to reflect, just as you quietly appreciate my sincere greetings at this moment, I ish a happy fathers Day!


  Your pay, your hope, only for our groth. Thank you, Dad, happy Fathers Day!


  Although your eyes are strict, but more is arm, is love. Thank you, Dad. Happy Fathers Day!


  Thousands of miles aay, henever I alk heavily, I can alays think of the poer of your eyes, and move forard. Dad, happy Fathers Day!


  Fathers teachings are like a lamp, illuminating the future for me; Fathers care is like an umbrella, shielding me from the ind and rain. Happy Fathers Day!


  A father, such as green mountains; Holy as ice and sno; Warm as Jiaoyang; As ide as the sea! Happy Fathers Day, dad! Alays love your daughter!


  Dad, you alays use the most plain and simple ay to express your love, but your love is enough for me to enjoy a lifetime. Happy Fathers Day!


  Whenever I think of you, I am very proud of you, you alays inspire me to forge ahead. In this special holiday I ish you, happy fathers Day!


  For you infinite gratitude and arm ishes, and that many memories and affectionate thoughts. Because you are very kind, beyond ords, I ish you a happy fathers Day!


  Dad, today is Fathers Day, happy holidays. Although, you sometimes very fierce, but I kno that you love me, dont you? Here I ish you happy, healthy!


  Dear dad, I miss childhood you often take me to the park to play, hen your palm is so big, so poerful, thank you for my training, I ish a happy Fathers Day!


  Dad, on this special day, all the blessings are ith our love, squeezed in your ine glass, red deep, until the bottom of my heart. Dad, I ish a happy fathers Day!


  Ho are you, Dad? When you are old, dont ork too hard. The children ill handle their on affairs. You should take good care of your health. Today is Fathers Day, I ish you a happy holiday!


  Dad, frankly speaking, you are sometimes very cunning, sometimes very funny, but I ant to say: the most proud of me is your humor! Happy Fathers Day!


  Dad, thank you for everything I have done, I ill redouble my ork and study to repay your upbringing, I love you. Today is Fathers Day, I deeply ish you a happy holiday!


  The most precious thing in the orld is friendship, the most romantic is love, the most moving is love, the most rare is the truth, the most annoying is the mood, I ish you a good mood every day, happy Fathers Day!


  Dad, today is Fathers Day, these more than 20 years, you have paid too much for me, I am unable to repay the life, I hope you are happy every day, healthy and safe.


  When you receive this message, but also received I gave you the nepenthes and lucky grass, nepenthes can let you forget the trouble, lucky grass can bring you luck and happiness, I ish a happy Fathers Day.


  Fold a beautiful paper crane, carrying my endless blessings, flying to you in the breeze, may the paper crane rest in your heart, ash aay yesterdays fatigue for you, usher in a happy today, I ish a happy Fathers Day!


  Fate, let me meet you; Happy, let me kno you; Care, let me think of you; Friendship, let us be together; Information, let me have to send you; I ish you all the best and happy Fathers Day.


  You may remember, ash the first diaper, the map above is I dra; You can remember the ords on the hite all, it as you ho taught me the first graffiti; A mothers love is boundless, a fathers love is day, dad you are children forever care! Happy Fathers Day!


  You are to die silk to do the spring silkorm, for us to give your youth; You are the ashes of the candle tears square dry, for us to guide a better tomorro. Dear teacher, Fathers Day, I ish you a happy holiday!


  The palm retains the armth of the father, the blood vessels flo the passion of the father, the face reappears the youth of the father, the eyes inherit the fortitude of the father, the fathers Day arrived, I ish all the father good health, happy holidays.


  A trace of coincidence, a fate, a trace of care, a concern, a friendship, a sincere, a text message, a greeting, a lifetime friend, a ish, I ish you happy every day, I ish good luck on Fathers Day!


  Let the sunshine into your indo, let happiness fly to your side! In the happy dra a happy line, eave a good luck clothes for you; In the happiness of grinding the root of the needle, seing forever auspicious for you, I ish a happy Fathers Day!


  I ill alays remember, hands on my shoulders, hen the ind, ho arm; I ill alays remember, ith my groing back, ith your years into my orry-free happiness! Dad, I ish a happy fathers Day!


  Where the sun shines, there are my blessings, here the moon shines, there are my thoughts, hen the meteor across the moment I made a ish: I hope you are reading short messages happy life, I ish a happy fathers Day.

  29、您常在给我理解的注视,您常说快乐是孩子的礼物。所以今天,我送上一个笑,温暖您的心。爸爸,祝父亲节快乐! 父亲给了我一片蓝天,给了我一方沃土,父亲是我生命里永远的太阳,祝父亲节快乐!

  You often give me the understanding of the gaze, you often say that happiness is the gift of children. So today, I send you a smile to arm your heart. Dad, I ish a happy fathers Day! Father gave me a blue sky, gave me a fertile soil, father is the sun in my life forever, I ish a happy fathers Day!


  Clouds, the sky care is more carefree. Floers, ith rain and de atering only more beautiful. I, have your love is more happy. Thank you dad for my hard ork, I ish you a happy fathers Day!





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