

更新时间:2023-11-04 11:36:39作者:jack



  Part One Listening

  Section One

  Directions: In this section you ill hear 10 short statements. Each statement ill be spoken only once. After each statement there ill be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested ansers marked a, b, c and d, and decide hich is the best anser. No you ill hear the example:

  She ent to the bank ith Mr. Smith.

  You ill read:

  A. She ent home.

  B. She liked Mr. smith.

  C.She ent to the bank.

  D.She ent to Mr. Smith’s house.

  Statement C, She ent to the bank is the closest in meaning to the statement She ent to the bank ith Mr. Smith. Therefore, you should choose anser C. No listen to the statements.


  A. The central bank controls many factors that affect the success of banking supervision.

  B. The success of banking supervision depends on the controls of the central bank.

  C. The success of banking supervision relies on many factors that are not under the control of the central bank.

  D. Many factors under the control of the central bank result in the success of banking supervision.


  A. You cannot sign your name on the upper left corner that does not comply ith the agreement.

  B. Your signature does not agree ith the specimen signature on the upper left corner.

  C. The signature on the upper left corner is not the countersign in the


  D. You cannot agree ith the signature on the upper left corner.


  A. The Chinese banks ill not come to compete ith the foreign banks in

  Renminbi business.

  B. Foreign banks ill be alloed to do Renminbi business hich is a challenge to the Chinese banks.

  C. It ill be a real great challenge to the Chinese banks hen the foreign banks have the right to do Renminbi business.

  D. In order to have real competition ith the Chinese banks, foreign banks should be alloed to do Renminbi business.


  A. I remitted the money to you after the sale of my stocks.

  B. Your bank account had been credited ith the remittance since I sold my shares last eek.

  C. The money had already been credited to your account last eek after I sold my shares.

  D. The money had not been remitted to you since I failed to sell my stocks last eek.


  A. The bank makes profits only from its on money.

  B. The bank makes profits not only from the deposits but also from its on money.

  C. The bank makes profits ith special obligations to depositors.

  D. The bank has special obligation to make profits.


  A. We thank you for your doing kindness to us.

  B. We hope you send us your check as soon as possible.

  C. We thank you because you provide us convenience in checking.

  D. You ill have to pay us $50,000.


  A. The Chinese economists made a proposal that banks’ savings interest rates should further be loered.

  B. The Chinese economists thought banks’

  savings interest rates should be improved.

  C. The Chinese economists believed that banks’ savings interest rates should be maintained.

  D. The Chinese economists suggested that banks’ savings interest rates should be kept.


  A. We are the credit holders.

  B. We are the bank ho can encash the card.

  C. We are the bank ho can stop your lost card.

  D. We are the bank ho can find your lost card.


  A. In the foreign exchange market, exchange rates are quoted by the sellers and buyers.

  B. In the foreign exchange market, exchange rates are quoted by commercial banks.

  C. In the foreign exchange market, selling and buying of foreign exchange decide exchange rates.

  D. In the foreign exchange market, exchange rates are fixed by governments.


  A. The bank has the right to charge you fees if your check has bounced.

  B. The bank ill not charge you any service commission even if your check returned.

  C. No one reserves the right to impose a service charge for returned cheques.

  D. The bank has the right to impose a charge for encashed cheques.

  Section To

  Directions: In this section, you ill hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation a question ill be asked about hat as said. The conversations and questions ill be spoken only once. During the pause, you must read the four suggested ansers marked a, b, c, and d, and decide hich is the best anser

  No you ill hear :

  M: Does our bank have a direct correspondent relationship ith the Bradalys’ Bank?

  W:No, e don’t. So e have to advise this L/C via another bank.

  Q: Which of the folloing is right?

  No you ill read:

  A. We can advise this L/C to the Bradlays’ Bank.

  B. The Bradlays’ Bank is our correspondent.

  C. The L/C has to be advised by a third bank.

  D. We should advise this L/C by ourselves.

  From the conversation e kno that e have to advise this L/C via another bank. The best anser is C. Therefore you should choose anser C.


  A. Her account number is 60789410

  B. Her account number is 60798410

  C. Her account number is 60798401

  D. Her account number is 60789140


  A. in the safe

  B. in the draer

  C. on the desk

  D. in the box


  A. 1.89%

  B. 1.98%

  C. 8.19%

  D. none


  A. to open an account ith the bank

  B. to exchange money

  C. to check if the remittance has arrived

  D. to remit some money to her brother Tony Waller


  A. employee and boss

  B. broker and bank clerk

  C. to bank clerks

  D. bank clerk and customer


  A. 8 hours

  B. 10 hours

  C. 12 hours

  D. 24hours


  A. one month

  B. telve months

  C. six months

  D. half a month


  A. dra money from her account through ATM.

  B. rite her secret code on the card.

  C. forget her passord.

  D. ask somebody to pick up her card.


  A. US$ 24,580

  B. US$ 28,450

  C. US$ 45,280

  D. US$ 25,480


  A. Special risks ill be excluded.

  B. You have to pay more money for the inclusion of all risks.

  C. Exclusion of the special risks means more money you have to pay.

  D. You have to pay more premium to include a special risk.

  Section Three

  Directions: In this section, you ill hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage you ill hear some questions about hat as said. The passages and questions i1l be spoken only once. During the pause, you must read the four suggested ansers marked a, b, c, and d, and decide hich is the best anser

  Questions 21--23 are based on passage 1


  A. three

  B. four

  C. five

  D. six


  A. one-dollar bill

  B. five-dollar bill

  C. ten-dollar bill

  D. tenty-dollar bill


  A. by checks and fund transfers

  B. by CHAPS and fund transfers

  C. by CHIPS and fund transfers

  D. by SWIFT and fund transfers

  Questions 24-26 are based on passage 2


  A. They ill buy houses.

  B. They ill buy cars.

  C. They ill postpone building a ne plant.

  D. They ill hire more orkers.


  A. because they affect consumers’ illingness to spend or save.

  B. because they affect businesses’ investment decisions.

  C. because interest rates are the cost of borroings.

  D. both a and b.


  A. mortgage interest rates

  B. car loan rates

  C. interest rates on many different types of bonds

  D. current interest rates

  Questions 27-30 are based on Passage 3


  A. corporate

  B. interbank

  C. mortgage

  D. syndicate


  A. pay all attentions to a specific area of lending

  B. consider someone more important than the other

  C. handle loan applications based on hard and fast rule

  D. try to build up a ell-balanced loan portfolio


  A. prudence

  B. profitability

  C. liquidity

  D. safety


  A. to ensure healthy groth for the bank

  B. to outperform the competition in financial industry

  C. to make the profits

  D. to achieve specific business targets





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