

更新时间:2023-11-16 05:31:11作者:壹默



有关中秋节的英语作文范文 (篇一)

"Grandpa, granddaughter missed you.。." I called grandpa in my sleep. Grandpa, did you hear me?

The moon is especially bright tonight. Will the moon send my greetings to you by express? Did you enjoy the Mid Autumn Festival? Are you doing the same thing as me?

There are so many things I ant to tell you. It's a pity that I can only look at the same bright moon in different places.

"I miss my family more every holiday" Grandpa, do you kno ho much I miss you on such a important day? I have been in Guangdong for to years. In these to years, I miss my hometon and grandpa so much. I still remember that I spent the Mid Autumn Festival ith my grandfather every year, but no there are to mid autumn festivals that I haven't spent ith my grandfather and haven't seen you again. I'm not used to it ithout my grandpa, and I'm not happy about the Mid Autumn Festival ithout my grandpa. Grandpa is here, he ill make me happy, he ill make me laugh. Although he sometimes nags me, the nagging makes me kno that my grandpa loves me and loves me. Grandpa, no I ant to go back to the past!

I feel like there is something missing on the Mid Autumn Festival ithout Grandpa? It seems that the lack of something ill make me regret this year's Mid Autumn Festival. Yes, it's grandpa. Yes, it's grandpa. I didn't have grandpa to atch the moon ith me for the Mid Autumn Festival. I left a trace of regret on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. At this moment, I miss my Grandpa very much. This year's Mid Autumn Festival, I really ant to have grandpa by my side. I really ant to listen to Grandpa's story about the moon once again, hich makes me laugh.

Every Mid Autumn Festival, I spent ith my grandfather, but today I am missing him. The moon is round, but the people are not round. I really ant to get together. I can't help sighing! Grandpa, I must spend next year's Mid Autumn Festival ith you. I on't let this regret happen again.

有关中秋节的英语作文范文 (篇二)

At more than four o'clock yesterday afternoon, Pang Chengren, Liu Xuantong, Mo feiran, Weng Jiabao, Wang Ruize and Yang Zikuang ent to the mangroves to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. First of all, e put all the food on a large mat. I looked at the food and my mouth drooled! The most eye-catching thing is the bottles of ine. I'm really orried that they ill alk around after drinking!

The boys are the most excited. They only eat a little food and play. The girls are also very excited. They play ithout eating anything. I calmed myself don and thought: anyay, eating more food ill be more poerful. There is no need to go to play so early. The scene as really lively. Although e ere a fe people, the hole cushion as full of laughter and laughter. My parents ere laughing, and I as curious to join in.

I atched them drink bottle by bottle, especially Liu Xuantong's father, ho drank a lot and as drunk. I as eating the second bread, and the aunts had noticed me, so they laughed and said: only one Zhu Jiaying as eating, and Liu Xuantong as going to sleep! ha-ha

We ere all full. My mother took me to see the moon. I as not happy to sit there, but my father promised me to come back after only one look. I just lingered. I as shocked by the scene ahead: a full moon hung in the sky, hite and bright. I as intoxicated. I didn't ake up until my father called me. I skipped aay, but I as still thinking ho the bright moon could be as dazzling as a lamp? That's strange.

After a hile, the boys called us to the tree base. Mo feiran and I lived in a tree ith sparse branches and leaves. Weng Jiabao as also there. We climbed up and don like monkeys. Except for Mo feiran, she said she as too eak to climb and as afraid. I think climbing trees has become my pleasure, but sometimes I am scared by Mo feiran. The strong tree is eak and seems to be broken.

We ere all tired and ready to go to bed. We ere so excited that e played cat and mouse again. We ere out of breath and happy. When mom and dad said "go home", e ere disappointed and hoped to play for a hile, but after 11 o'clock, everyone as very sleepy, so e left ith a happy and disappointed mood.

有关中秋节的英语作文范文 (篇三)

As e all kno, the Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of our Chinese people. But our class 114 had a late Mid Autumn Festival. You may ask, "hy did you have a late Mid Autumn Festival?"

Please don't orry. I'll tell you sloly. Just before the Mid Autumn Festival, Mr. Zhou arranged the students to prepare the Mid Autumn Festival items, and planned the entertainment programs at the Mid Autumn Festival Party: chess competition, checkers competition, singing competition, riddles and so on. The students ere all jubilant. Hoever, it as unexpected that the school announced a three-day holiday, and the students ere disappointed. We had to postpone the party for one day. The holiday passed in the blink of an eye. We ere happy to come to the school. When I came to the school at 10 o'clock that day, I sa that many students in our class had come. We are all patiently aiting for the arrival of that moment.

This romantic night finally came. The students all scrambled to decorate the venue. Some students ere busy putting tables and chairs, hile others ere busy putting moon cakes, fruits and other snacks on the table.

At 7 pm, the party finally kicked off. First, the host Liu Yan delivered an opening speech: "Dear teachers and students, good evening! Today e have a happy gathering to celebrate the late Mid Autumn Festival. Today e ill hold many programs. No let's invite the members of our chess team to participate in the preliminary competition. The members of our chess team are like birds in a cage. They rush to the stadium and start the first round of the round robin. I am one of the players. We started playing chess. I and the vice class Commander Peng Qihong played the first game. The squad leader as very smart. First, he fired a gun and ate my central soldier. He jumped across the river. I hurried out to chase the gun. He hid the gun. I set up a gun and killed his central soldier. He turned his horse in a leisurely manner. I ran out of the car and bumped into him head-on. I ate his horse at one stroke. I only anted to eat. I didn't pay attention to the array arranged by the squad leader. Soon, I fell into the encirclement, The squad leader beat me hen I as killed unprepared. Then Zhang Zhengqi and I, before I got into the state, ere scattered by the opponent ith heavy guns. Finally, Zhang Zhengqi, Zeng Wenhua and Liu Xinpeng entered the final. In the end, Zeng Wenhua on the championship. The cheers of the students ere rising from ave to ave. The later events are even more exciting, and our audience can see them ith rapture.

中秋节的英语作文 (篇四)

The Mid-Autumn festival has a long history, and other traditional festivals, is also developed sloly, the ancient emperors have appeared in spring, autumn ritual ceremonies, as early as in the "rites", for the ord "Mid-Autumn festival"。 Later aristocrats and scholars also follo up, in the Mid-Autumn festival, bright moon in the sky as bright and round round, orship, their feelings, the custom spread to folk, thus forming a traditional activity, until the tang dynasty, the customs of the offerings on more people to pay attention to, Mid-Autumn festival became fixed festivals, the book of tang dynasty, emperor taizong "records" August 15 Mid-Autumn festival ", the festival flourished in song dynasty, to Ming and qing dynasties, along ith Ne Years day, to become one of the major festivals in China.

The legend of the Mid-Autumn festival is very rich, chang e and u gang felling laurel, yutu dao medicine such as fairy tales idespread.

有关中秋节的英语作文范文 (篇五)

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. It is the first Mid Autumn Festival in my memory hen my family gets together. On this special holiday, my parents and I ent to the aristocratic family to eat steak. Dad parked the car donstairs. In addition to locking the tire lock, he also added a pair of anti-theft locks. There are many thieves here. We'd better be careful.

After Dad ordered the dishes, he might not be orried about the car outside and ent donstairs to see the car. Because not long ago, my electric car as stolen. Just as my mother and I ere taking snacks, my father came up. He as making a phone call and his expression as very ugly. Sure enough, our car as stolen again. There as only ten minutes beteen us. Damn thief!

When the steak as served, our spirits ere all iped out. Dad said today is the Mid Autumn Festival, and the family should be happy. After eating the steak carelessly, e cancelled the day's arrangement and had to go home.

It as not easy for the family to get together for a mid autumn festival, but they ere so disappointed. The moon has been hanging in the sky for some time. It is yello and looks very hazy through the thin clouds. The mood of mom and dad seems to be shrouded in a thin cloud, ithout the original brilliance. I ant to change the atmosphere. Therefore, it as proposed to hold an ancient poetry competition, the premise of hich as poetry about the moon.

I as confident as soon as I came, because the teacher asked us to collect ancient poems about the moon on the Internet a fe days ago. I first recited a poem of Li Bai's quiet night: the bright moon in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; ithdraing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. My father continued: the moon is born on the sea, and the horizon is at this time. My mother is not eak. She usually cares about my study. She knos all the poems I have learned. As expected, my mother blurted out: hen I as young, I didn't kno the moon. I called for a hite jade plate. I tried my best to think of the poem "the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty and the pass in the Han Dynasty"。 Then I recited "hen ill the bright moon come? Ask Qingtian about the ine.。." the opportunity is to favor those ho are prepared. I proudly picked to large grapes and stuffed them into my parents' mouths, hich amused them. I don't kno hen the clouds in the sky have disappeared. A bright moon hangs over my balcony. At this time, my parents are also very happy.

Yes! On this day of family reunion, thieves should also be reunited ith family members, instead of secretly harming others. Ho I hope that thieves can find a job and live a fair and honest life, so that their hearts can be as pure as moonlight, and our society can be more harmonious and peaceful.

有关中秋节的英语作文范文 (篇六)

People all kno that the Mid Autumn Festival is the night of reunion, and my family is no exception. My sister also came back from school, and the hole family spent a happy and peaceful Mid Autumn Festival together. Mom and dad prepared a day for the reunion dinner. In the evening, hen e eat, the table is full of our favorite foods, and there are moon cakes symbolizing reunion.

In the evening, the bright moon came out quietly ith the expectation of people's reunion. Our hole family sat around the table, eating moon cakes, enjoying the full moon, and chatting about family life. They talked about their ork experience and learning. My mother also told me about the legend of the Mid Autumn Festival. At this moment, I think ho happy and happy e are as long as our family can stay together like this!

I carelessly thre the moon cake that I had just bitten on the ground. Seeing this, my mother said: "little baby, hy don't you treasure the fruits of your ork and thro them aay ithout eating them? It's too asteful. What a pity. It's rong to do so."

Mother said and breathed a sigh, And he said in earnest: "Children, hen e ere young, the conditions ere not good, and e could not eat moon cakes during the Mid Autumn Festival. If the conditions ere better, the hole family ould share a piece of moon cakes. No that the living standard has improved, you can eat enough moon cakes, and you can't aste any food. We should alays remember that hard ork, simplicity, diligence and thrift are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. As Chinese people, e should also inherit this traditional virtue and carry it forard."

After listening to hat my mother said, I quietly put the second piece of moon cake on the table. Looking up at the full moon in the bright starry sky, I loered my head in shame.

On this reunion night, hat I gained as not only the happiness brought by the festival, but also the edification and education of my mother ith her accomplishment.

This is really the mid autumn festival that I can't forget.


- -END- -



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