

更新时间:2023-11-04 13:51:39作者:壹默



共享单车英语带翻译作文 (篇一)

Recently, a ne kind of bike called the shared bike has appeared in many cities in China. Shared bikes are easy and cheap to use. First, you donload the app of a shared bike onto your smart phone. Then hen you ant to unlock and ride a bike, you just scan the to-dimensional code on the bike ith your smart phone. The GPS-supported app helps position the bikes no matter here they are parked. And they can be left in public places for the next users. If you need a bike, you can easily find the nearest one through the app. A 30-minute ride costs only 0.5 to 1 yuan.

Among different kinds of shared bikes, Ofo and Mobike are the most popular ones. It is said that in the first eek of this year there ere 585 million active users of Mobike and Ofo had 1.4 million users. Ofo, hich got its name from the look of a bicycle , as first used by students in Peking University and soon became popular out of the university.

“In places here the subay doesn’t get to, or places here it’s difficult to change from one kind of transportation to another, it’s easy to get here you ant to go ith a shared bike.” said Hu Hong, one of the users from Shanghai, “But folloing the service, rules must

come first before everyone can use it easily.”




共享单车英语作文 (篇二)

Presently, in big cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou, bicycle-sharing system has becomeincreasingly popular. A large number of shared bikes can be found and rented at a lo price. Moreover, you can park the bike almost anyhere you like. Urban transportation has thus been made much more convenient and even revolutionized.

共享单车英语作文 (篇三)

Dear Jim,

I’m riting to tell you more about the ne form of sharing bike xx mentioned in your latest letter.

It’s very convenient to use if you have a smartphone. What you do is find a nearest xxthrough the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, and enjoy your trip.

Compared to other forms of sharing bike, the greatest advantage of xx is that you can easily find one and never orry about here to park it. It is being a ne trend as a means of transportation, hich relieves the traffic pressure and does good to the environment as ell.

Hope to ride a xx ith you in China.


Li Hua




如果你有智能手机,使用起来十分方便。你要做的就是找一个最近的xxthrough APP,扫描QR码在自行车上,享受您的旅行。





共享单车英语带翻译作文 (篇四)

Ofo has been favored by the public, even the foreign people speak highly of it.

These yello bikes can be found everyhere, so the people ho are in a hurry can use it and then reached the destination in time. Especially for the visitors, they can ride these bikes and then have a look at the scenery around. It can saves them a lot of money and the most important thing is the convenience it brings. These bikes can be placed any place, even the alking areas.

I like ofo so much. It makes me feel green, because it on’t produce bad air to pollute the environment.




共享单车英语带翻译作文 (篇五)

Welcome to Hangzhou.


I am Li Yue, president of the Student Union in my school. Id like to briefly introduce the Hangzhou Public Bicycle Service to you. Our city insists to protect the environment, so e began to use the Public Bicycle Service to reduce the traffic stress in 2008. There ere 65 thousand bicycles for people to use in daily life. In general, more than 8 million people have to use them every year.


Some people think they are very useful and believe they ill make our society more beautiful. Others think they are not convenient enough. As far as I can see, reading a bicycle is so interesting. We can take exercise ith it. Meanhile, Our environment get protected. Lets go into action!


以共享单车为话题的英语作文 (篇六)

From the guidance, it is easy to see that strengthening credit management has become a major point. Whether it is to share the real-name system of bicycle users, promote the mechanism of dishonesty, establish a database of enterprise and user credit, or encourage the free deposit mode, all of them point to credit management. Hoever, from the development process of several leading companies, it has become an industry trend to adopt real-name system, strengthen the management of intelligent netork technology and introduce credit mechanism.

In terms of real-name system, the mainstream bicycle platforms, such as ofo bicycles, mobike bicycles and xiao-ming bicycles, have already implemented the real-name system. The bicycle also pioneered the credit score system, hich encourages the public to use cars and regulate parking by creating a credit system of reards and punishments.

In addition, the sharing bike introduces sesame credit to realize the security deposit. In march, the company first reached a cooperation agreement ith sesame credit, and users only need to bind their on identity information, and the sesame credit exceeds 600 points, and can enjoy the rent-free car rental service. Ofo also announced that users ith a credit rating of 650 and above are exempt from the 99 yuan deposit. It is reported that there are nine Shared cycling sesame credit for credit and free access, in accordance ith the sesame score breaks deposit in different regions, using sesame points get free and service for tens of millions of people. Other bicycle companies, such as cycled, uber and little blue, are also folloing up on the "no-deposit" model, ith a conditional "no-deposit" based on credit ratings.

共享单车英语作文 (篇七)

Recently, bike-sharing system becomes more and more popular in some big cities such as Shang还 and Guangzhou. The public can find a mass of shared bikes and hire them at a lo price. What's more, you can park the bike herever you like. Because of it, urban transportation becomes more convenient and even results in revolutionary change.

Hoever, as the bike-sharing system develops, there are some problems coming forth including parking at random, damaging the bikes and so on. The authorities have to take measures to solve these problems. In the first place, the government can put stricter las and regulations into effect to normalize the operation and administration of the system. Moreover, the public should strengthen the aareness of using the shared bike reasonably. Last but not least, the urban transportation system should be upgraded and improved to cater to cars, bikes and pedestrians.

In all, e should hold a rational attitude to the bike-sharing plan. It can be forecasted that the bike-sharing system ill play a constructive role in the urban public transportation by taking effective measures and corporate efforts.

共享单车英语作文 (篇八)

Everyone knos that cycling is a fun, healthy and economical means of travel around the neighborhood.

The advantages of bicycles mainly are as follos:each muter can drive it directly here they have to go ithout changing stations or modes;bicycles are much more maneuverable in city mazes, and can take to the sideays to avoid grid lock, can land on any rack, railing or parking meter right outside the place of business, and can alays be carried into a building for additional parking or security;Bicycling is also good for our environment,bicycles are 100% pollution free; cycling is good for our health; besides,Bicycle riding is the least expensive ay of traveling apart from alking.

Although there are so many advantages,it also has its on limitations: it is unsuitable for long journey;most bikes dont have a roof in case of rain; e cant bring our family ith us, unless they have bikes of their on,etc.

以共享单车为话题的英语作文 (篇九)

About car to Shared cycling through the net, Shared cars, as a kind of ne economic forms, sharing economy is integrated into our daily life, and sharing a bike from a typical share economy gradually develop into a credit economy. For users, the value of credit and the cost of untrustorthy ill be felt. For some companies, rely on financial management pattern of the deposit or have to go, in the automotive and transportation research center, an analyst at analysys international chen-xi ang's vie, Shared cycling industry reshuffle is inevitable trend, there are many factors that can prompt shuffling, "no deposit" is one of them.

This system design ill share the bicycle into the real-name system management, ill promote it to become a credit economy. But at present, there are many obstacles in building the system's credit and economic system.

First, there are loopholes in the real-name system. Shared bike registration is mobile Internet operation directly, in the registration process does not need to face "brush" pictures, only need to enter the id number, this is it true that it is difficult to determine the registrant is himself.

Second, there are still barriers to data sharing. Although the "mo + orship" open platform ith WeChat, China unicom, several Banks, such as baidu map ith a large data resource agencies, ofo: also ith alipay, drops travel, Scott maps closely, but the current cooperation form is limited to use these basic entrance APP code cycling, each platform master user data is still fragmented, no big data sharing platform, this brought difficulty to set up the system of credit system.

Moreover, the security of user information security is also a problem. According to incomplete statistics, at present the country has more than 30 Internet rental bike operating companies, the cumulative drop more than 10 million vehicles, more than 100 million m registered users, services more than 1 billion people. Sharing the number of users' phone calls, identity information, payment accounts and other personal information, so many users' information security? Although the guidelines put forard specific measures to protect the Internet and information security, the implementation of the guidelines still tests the isdom of supervision.

共享单车英语带翻译作文 (篇十)

The passage conveys to us the bike-sharing boom across the country, ith more companies springing up in the market. The service not only brings great convenience to people, but causes some problems as ell.

From my standpoint, bike-sharing system has become an essential part of public transportation in cities and should be actively promoted. Firstly, ith an increasing number of people choosing the service to get around, the number of cars on the roads ill decrease dramatically, hich really helps the environment and reduces traffic jams. Furthermore, this service also benefits individuals in various ays. For example, it provides locals and tourists ith a convenient, cheap and healthy means of transport. Those ho ould otherise use their on bicycles don’t need to be concerned about such problems as theft, storage and maintenance.

In a ord, bike sharing is an innovative service, hich relieves urban traffic pressure and brings citizens enormous benefits. And more shared bikes should be launched into the market.





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