

更新时间:2023-11-04 09:45:40作者:壹默


对全球化的看法英语作文 ((篇一)

With the development of econom hallenges can e gain the upper hand in the competition.

口语情景对话:全球化 Globalization (篇二)

Todd: OK. Jamie. We're back. 杰米,我们开始吧。

Jamie: OK. 好的。

Todd: Jamie, you're a businessman. 杰米,你是一名商人。

Jamie: Sometimes. 有时是。

Todd: OK, so.。 哦,那么……

Jamie: Not this eek. 至少这周不是。

Todd: Not this eek! OK. Um. e're going to talk about globalization. 这周不是!好吧,我们来聊聊全球化。

Jamie: OK. 好的。

Todd: What do you think about globalization? 你对全球化有什么看法?

Jamie: Globalization! I'm not really sure, I have a clear definition of hat globalization is, but if globalization is several nations trading on the open, or semi-regular basis then I think globalization is a relatively positive thing. 全球化!我不确定我是否对全球化有一个清晰的概念,但如果全球化是指国家间公开进行贸易,或是经常定期地进行交易,那么我认为全球化是一件相对积极的事情。

Todd: Yeah! 是的! Jamie: For, certainly for the countries that are involved in the, in the business that is going on beteen the nations that are obviously involved ith that business. 当然,这样进行的贸易是国家之间的贸易,与参与国有着息息相关的联系。

Todd: Yeah. OK. Great. So do you think it makes the orld a better place? 好的,很棒。那么你认为这样会让世界更加和谐吗?

Jamie: Yeah, the orld a better place? No, I don't think it make the orld a better place. I think it's just good for the countries that are directly and indirectly involved ith the business that is going on beteen countries. 让世界变得更好?不,我不认为这样会使世界变得更好。我认为这样只会使直接参与或是间接参与贸易的国家带来好处,而这样的贸易还会在这几个国家之间进行。

Todd: OK. Great. Thanks a lot. 好的,很棒,谢谢你。

Jamie: My pleasure. 不客气。

全球化Globalization英文论述 (篇三)

Globalization Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of orld vies, products, ideas and other aspects of culture. Advances in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, including the rise of the telegraph and its posterity the Internet, are major factors in globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities.World have connection into a hole, forming a global no one nation can go out of the orld and the development of the closed.

Economic globalization:Economic globalization is the increasing economic interdependence of national economies across the orld through a rapid increase in cross-border movement of goods, service, technology and capital.Whereas the globalization of business is centered around the diminution of international trade regulations as ell as tariffs, taxes, and other impediments that suppresses global trade, economic globalization is the process of increasing economic integration beteen countries, leading to the emergence of a global marketplace or a single orld market.The orld economy is very close.A country's economic crisis is likely to affect the orld

socio-cultural globalization:Cultural globalization has increased cross-cultural contacts but may be accompanied by a decrease in the uniqueness of once-isolated communities.Such as rock, jeans, such as Coca-Cola spread around the orld. For example, sushi is available in Germany as ell as Japan but Euro-Disney outdras the city of Paris, potentially reducing demand for “authentic” French pastry.Globalization's contribution to the alienation of individuals from their traditions may be modest compared to the impact of modernity itself 。Globalization has expanded recreational opportunities by spreading pop culture, particularly via the Internet and satellite television.

the Internet connects computer users around the orld. From 2000 to 2009, the number of Internet users globally rose from 394 million to 1.858 billion. By 2010, 22 percent of the orld's population had access to computers ith 1 billion Google searches every day, 300 million Internet users reading blogs, and 2 billion videos vieed daily on YouTube.

The example of globalization:AIRBUS,ADIDAS.

Globalization has a lot of good or bad influence to us.First talk about the positive: orldide the number of common standards; the groth of international trade faster than the orld economic groth;the proportion of multinational companies in the orld economy ;the development of the global financial system;and More and more international cultural influence, such as through the export of Hollyood movies;promote the development of international tourism ;a lot of information resources sharing via the Internet.The bad influence is the idening gap beteen the rich and poor;the increase of illegal immigrants;The expansion of terrorism;Its unemployment rate increase

The Finally, statement about my point of vie.The trend of globalization is irreversible, e should conform to this trend, e should not go against globalization.If you resist the globalization is obvious, north Korea is resist globalization, so the economy is backard, and there also very miserably of people's life.Globalization makes countries can share resources, cheap goods, technology have very convenient also, human resources also can free flo beteen countries, promote the prosperity of the national economy.At the same time, also promote the spread of cultural globalization, cultural communication is also more frequently, is conducive to the development of national culture.Although a lot of the benefits of globalization, but also should pay attention to protect our country on business brand, technology, enhance the value of the independent brand, pay attention to brand building, in this ay, can e have their on advantages in the globalization.

Sunning'Globalization (篇四)


Challenges and Opportunities for China’s Younger Generation

Sun Ning

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. Today I’m very happy to be here to share ith you some of my thoughts on the topic of Globalization. And first of all, I ould like to mention an event in our recent history.

Thirty years ago, American President Richard Nixon made an epoch-making visit to China, a country still isolated at that time. Premier Zhou Enlai said to him, “Your handshake came over the vastest oceanin the orld---tenty-five years of no communication.” Ever since then, China and America have exchanged many handshakes of various kinds. The

fundamental implication of this example is that the need and desire to communicate across differences in culture and ideology is not only felt by the to countries but by many other nations as ell.

As e can see today, environmentalists from different countries are making joint efforts to address the issue of global arming, economists and seeking solutions to financial crises that rage in a particular region but nonetheless cripple the orld’s economy, and diplomats and politicians are getting together to discuss the issue of combating terrorism. Peach and

prosperity has become a common goal that e are striving for all over the orld. Underlying this mighty trend of globalization is the echo of E.M. Forster’s ords, “Only connect!”

With the IT revolution taking place, traditional boundaries of human society fall aay. Our culture, politics, society and commerce are being sloshed into a large melting pot of humanity. In this interlinked orld, there are no outsiders, for a disturbance in one place is likely to impact other parts of the globe. We have begun to realize that a orld divided cannot endure. China is no actively integrating onto the orld. Our recent entry to the WTO is a good example. For decades, e have taken pride in being self-reliant, but no e realize the importance of participation in and contribution to a broader economic order. From the precarious role in the orld arena to our present WTO membership, e have come a long ay.

But hat does the ay ahead look like? In some parts of the orld people are

demonstrationg against globalization. Are they justified then, in criticizing the globalizing orld? Instead of narroing the gap beteen the rich and the poor, they say, globalization enables developed nations to sallo the developing nation’s ealth in debts and interest. Globalization, they argue, should be about an earnest interest in every other nation’s economic heath.

We are reminded by Karl Marx that capital goes beyond national borders and eludes control from any other entity. This has become a reality. Multinational corporations are seeking the loest cost, the largest market, and the most favorable policy. The are often poerful lobbyists in government decision-making, ruthless expansionists in the global market place and a devastating presence to local businesses.

For China, still more challenges exist. Ho are e going to ensure a smooth transition from the planned economy to a market-based one? Ho to construct a legal system that is sound enough and broad enough to respond to the needs of a dynamic society? Ho to maintain our cultural identity in an increasingly homogeneous orld? And ho to define greatness in our rise as a peace-loving nation? Globalization entails questions that concern us all.

Like many young people my age in China, I ant to see my country get prosperous and enjoying respect in the international community. But it seems to me that mere patriotism is not just enough. It is vitally important that e young people do more serious thinking and broaden our minds to bigger issues. And there might never be easy ansers to those issues such as globalization, but to take them on and give them honest thinking is the first step to be prepared for both opportunities and challenges coming our ay. And this is also one of the thoughts that came to me hile preparing this speech. Thank you.

英语作文中国全球化Globalization in China (篇五)

Globalization in China the global connectionis groing and human beings live on the basis of global scale and global consciousness. The relation of countries depends on each other in political and economic trade. With the development of the Internet and the traffic is more convenient, the globalization has gradually entered people's life. In China, after the opium ar, e began to integrate into the global market. But the real trend of globalization should be after the reform and opening up. When China joined the WTO in 2001, China's economy moved toards globalization. In2004, The Beijing consensus, hich as different from the “Washington consensus”, is a development model hich is in line ith China's on national conditions. In the face of globalization, e have four problems to be solved, such as economic development, ecological environment, political system reform and social problems. For example, in Jack ma’s recent speech, he mentioned the differences beteen globalization and internationalization. He thinks that most of today's Chinese companies are internationalizing rather than globalizing. Internationalization is going out, but globalization is thinking from a global perspective. This is A common problemin our process of development.

Although China's economy has developed rapidly in recent years, the process of globalization has not been political reforms must be carried out to make great progress.

对全球化的看法英语作文 (篇六)

Noadays e can enjoy the same films, fashions, brands, advertisements and TV channels. The evident difference beteen countries is disappearing. To hat extent do you think the disadvantages overeight the advantages of this?

Globalization creates conditions for idening international exchanges, strengthening mutual understanding beteen nations, expanding cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation beteen nations and countries, enjoying the cultural achievements of people around the orld hich encourages the process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture.

Hoever, these conditions also create the possible danger of diminishing the national culture ith a negative impact on the pre123vation of national identity. Through globalization and an open door policy, erroneous concepts and a loering of ethical standards, a selfish and individualistic lifestyle and harmful cultural products can easily be imported into the country. At present, modern information technology hich in the main is controlled by US is hourly and intensively disseminating US ideology, ay of life, culture and films across the orld. Even US food is promoted so that some people consider globalization as global Americanization.

During the process of economic globalization, inequality beteen developed and developing countries has been increasing and the gap beteen the rich and the poor has become ider, most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries. Globalization does not pose equal interests and risks to all nations. With an overhelming advantage compared to most of the developing countries in terms of finance and the level of science and technology, developed ca123alist countries control the situation of economic globalization.

For these reasons, globalization is a fierce and complicated struggle in both cultural and ideological fields. We take the initiative in international economic integration but also have to take the initiative in fighting to keep our distinct culture resisting pro-foreign and cross-bred phenomena, and overcoming the psychology of preferring money over ethical values.























对全球化的看法英语作文 (篇七)

Economic opportunities of globalization on developing countries:

First, economic globalization for developing countries to attract more foreign investment conditions and opportunities. To attract foreign investment scale ill no doubt help to solve the problem of shortage of funds in developing countries.

Second, economic globalization for developing countries outside of the capital voted to create a favorable external environment and conditions, so that foreign direct investment scale is continually expanding and groing fast.

Third, economic globalization brought about a orldide economic and technological development zones and bonded areas and free trade zones and other forms of development of free economic zones.

Fourth, the economic globalization so that the orldide industrial restructuring as further deepened, the pace of increase. Developing countries can take advantage of this opportunity to follo based on reality and focus on the future of the organic unity and take the initiative to coordinate the orldide industrial restructuring and upgrading of domestic industries relationship.

Fifth, economic globalization has promoted the development of transnational corporations in developing countries so that in the orld market gradually. Hoever, the development trend, as a result of economic globalization for developing countries in the broader field of active participation in international competition opportunities for transnational corporations in developing countries more actively active in the orld economic stage of the era just around the corner.

Sixth, the economic globalization has driven the rapid development of international trade. Although developed countries are the biggest beneficiaries of international trade, but developing countries, especially developing countries in Asia also benefited from international trade, its trade volume of orld trade accounted for about 20% of the total.

globalization英语作文 (篇八)


Noadays e can enjoy the same films, fashions, brands, advertisements and TV channels. The evident difference beteen countries is disappearing. To hat extent do you think the disadvantages overeight the advantages of this?

Globalization creates conditions for idening international exchanges, strengthening mutual understanding beteen nations, expanding cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation beteen nations and countries, enjoying the cultural achievements of people around the orld hich encourages the process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture.

Hoever, these conditions also create the possible danger of diminishing the national culture ith a negative impact on the pre123vation of national identity. Through globalization and an open door policy, erroneous concepts and a loering of ethical standards, a selfish and individualistic lifestyle and harmful cultural products can easily be imported into the country. At present, modern information technology hich in the main is controlled by US is hourly and intensively disseminating US ideology, ay of life, culture and films across the orld. Even US food is promoted so that some people consider globalization as global Americanization.

During the process of economic globalization, inequality beteen developed and developing countries has been increasing and the gap beteen the rich and the poor has become ider, most of the result of globalization go to assist developed countries. Globalization does not pose equal interests and risks to all nations. With an overhelming advantage compared to most of the developing countries in terms of finance and the level of science and technology, developed ca123alist countries control the situation of economic globalization.

For these reasons, globalization is a fierce and complicated struggle in both cultural and ideological fields. We take the initiative in international economic integration but also have to take the initiative in fighting to keep our distinct culture resisting pro-foreign and cross-bred phenomena, and overcoming the psychology of preferring money over ethical values.

对全球化的看法英语作文 (篇九)

Economic globalization benefits the orld immensely, especially the prosperity of tourism. As a result,the cultures, languages and customs in the minorities are notmysterious to the orld any more, hich should be attributed to thepopularity of tourism.

It is a consensus that tourism canstimulate the economic development in a region, since tourism playsan important role in the acceleration of the improvement ofservice, such as transportation, accommodation, catering and othermarginal business. With a vie to attracting more tourists, theminority regions have to consider ho to improve their image andservice, during the course of hich they can have an overall planto promote the status of their region. Noadays, many people travelfor minority regions to satisfy their curiosity, here they canhave unexpected findings. Furthermore, tourism can strengthenthe interflo of cultures and traditions beteen the people indifferent regions. Trips to minority countries and regions renderpeople a lot of ne cultures and customs, hich, presumably, havebeen handed don from old ages and enjoyed very splendid history.

Formerly, people can only get some segments about the minoritiesfrom videos, films and other incomplete descri ptions on books. No,tourists have more opportunities to communicate or even live iththe minority people and acquire first-hand knoledge about them,hich provides the researchers ith a lot of authentic information.

Admittedly, tourism damages thenatural environment in some minority regions and spoils thepeaceful life of them to some degree due to their frequentactivities in the minority regions, the environment beingdeteriorated in some regions, hich is not hat e expected. Generally, the popularity of Englishand tourism brings more advantages than damage to the minorityregions, since it has enriched people’s knoledge and idened theirhorizons. But meanhile, e should be on the alert for the damageto the minority regions and take effective means to tackle theproblems tourism arouses.


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