
my hero英语作文带翻译50字,mypastlife英语作文100字

更新时间:2023-11-03 07:51:42作者:壹默


在平平淡淡的日常中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是小编精心为大家整理的9(篇《my hero英语作文》,希望可以启发、帮助到大朋友、小朋友们。

my hero英语作文 (篇一)

At the coming of the SARS virus, a ar of no gunpoder smoke from the official start of the day. The hole nation is fearing that they ould be infected ith SARS, on this special day, e under the teacher ill take care of and protect, smoothly through the dangerous. The teacher is like a all of the SARS in the all, make it not erode our bodies. The teacher is our hero!

Everyone as scared in the SARS period, I am no exception, of course. I dare not go out every day, in addition to the school is just stay at home, ash your hands again and again, really afraid of SARS. But hen I looked at the teacher alked into the school to the same smile, listening to the teacher vivid language, bring us into the ocean of knoledge, forget the fear, forget the severe acute respiratory syndrome 。 Teacher in addition to preparing, corrects students' papers, more than one task, is to give our temperature. One day in the morning, e temperature again, have a classmate shout loudly: "good, Wang Minghao to 37. 8." Startled, the students fever is typical symptoms of severe acute respiratory syndrome , can be not afraid of? Some cover your mouth breath, some holding the head, like a little puss-head, and even run out of the classroom. By this time the teacher strides to Wang Minghao side pulling he quickly ran out of the classroom, one outside classroom, interrogation symptoms, also comfort him: "Wang Minghao don't be afraid, it's okay" I think the teacher is not afraid of SARS, teachers are people too; He as afraid of the students infected ith SARS, sent the students out of the classroom of fever, reduce the contact ith students, themselves, regardless of the danger to comfort the classmate of the fever. The teacher you are great!

The teacher I admire you, you are my hero.




My hero英语作文 (篇二)

In my heart,my hero is LeiFeng.

LeiFeng is a person ho are very famous in chinese history. In the past,many people kne him as a moral model.Because LeiFeng has a good heart in helping people,especially in old people and children.He likes helping each other. And he did many good things in his short life and leave a great impression on many people for good.

my hero英语作文 (篇三)

I have read such an article "FuJing hero"。 Lian Po for Lin xiangru's riting of this article is the general ill of such fame and jealousy Lin xiangru's, but no because he had a small volume, the Lin xiangru's offer a humble apology, the old man's body is short, and the soul is more and more big.

Ancient respected, exploits a brilliant old general lian Po, can you just say the model of change. In those days, although you age, eg, but people can be in special cases, ith thorns, heavily knelt don, and offer a humble apology in front of the Lin xiangru's. For himself has small volume, for he had careerism, ayard once for oneself, for oneself once haughty.。.

On the official career, in fame and ealth, through the ages, can fight more jealous than this ay? I see clearly, you of the haughty, general is a child! A child on't agree! You rong so reckless, so sincere regret.

Be frank and open the true gentleman, frigid panic is a mean person! Offer a humble apology is big heroic, deep color bo don is my hero!

Century hero, lian Po ever old!

He, 6 square metre of the cabin, ith a light dim lamp, on the bed board, use a pen consumption to a fe draft paper sacks, incredibly, the orld famous problems in goldbach conjecture. The classmates kno ho this is? He is a model era, math superstar scientists - trained Chen jingrun grandpa.

Trained Chen jingrun grandpa is big international famous mathematician, respected by people. But he did not produce complacency emotions, in order to safeguard the interests of the motherland, trained Chen jingrun gave aay the chance to participate in international congress of mathematicians.

He is the pride of Chinese people, is our learning model. He is orth learning and admirable, in order to safeguard national dignity, at the expense of his personal interests, for the benefit of the co★WWW.1mi.NET★untry, his frugality, five months of life in the United States, he hole of the balance of $7500, and put the money be handed to the state.

Trained Chen jingrun grandpa said: time is a constant, the cost is equal to asting your 24 hours a day. All the pay, it's not hard to embody the he is a man; and it never asks for fame and fortune, hard ork, self-sacrifice.

Century hero, lian Po ever old? The superstar in math, JingRun said model.











My hero英语作文 篇四)

Everyone has a hero.Do you kno my hero?My hero is Justin Bieber.

Justin bieber is canadian. He is 18 years old.He is one of the most famous singer in the USA.He is so young.He came out in 2008.He is famous for a song called "Baby"。It sounds very ell.Everyone likes it.Justin bieber as born in 1994.He is good at sings,dance and many others.He is a clever boy.

I Love Justin bieber very much.He is my hero.

My hero英语作文 (篇五)

My hero is Liuxiang.He is a hurdle race player.

He as born in 1984.He is 22-year-old player.He is good at

hurdle race and running very quickly.He is friendly to his trainer and friendly to every body.

He as iner of Olympic Games 2004.It as orld record.In future,Chinese people like him very much 。

He is national hero.

My hero英语作文 (篇六)

I have a very happy family. I like my mother and father very much. And m father is a hero in my heart. I alays talk iht him.My father is a orker. He goes home very late at night every day. I alays dont go to bed until my father goes back. I feel very sad. Because my father is very tired every day. My father loves me very much. He can do many things for me, so he is my hero. He ofte ncares of my study. I alays try to do the best in my class. I ant to be a person like my father. I ill ork harder and harder. I ill do my best to be the No. 1.

my hero英语作文 (篇七)

My hero

Qian Xuesen, one of the most famous scientists in China, is the hero in myheart. He has the greatest intelligence in the orld. When he as young, he studied in many famous universities in the orld, being very hard-orking. Then he on many big prizes and had many famous discoveries.The most famous thing he did is the first Bomb and Rocket in , he is the person ho make our country stronger and developing. Everyone in China ill not forget him

my hero英语作文 (篇八)

The hero in my heart

Meng Xiangbin is a hero in my heart.He as born in Qihe,Shandong on April 9th,1979.He as an official in the army in Jinhua,Zhejiang,On November 30th,2007,a young girl jumped into Wujiang River to kill sa that and ent to save her ithout thinking,In the end ,Meng saved the girl,but he left us forever ,When I heard the nes,I as moved 。He as a kind-hearted man.We should learn from him.

My hero英语作文 (篇九)

Liuxiang made a perfect fly in the olympic games in 2004, and on not only the gold metal but also the respect in the orld!bai

His fly knocked all the suspicions and discriminations don completely!

"It is so perfect! I never expect to run so fast! Oh it is a dream to me, and it seems I am still in a dream!", he said!

But it is just true, and it is himself ho made the dream into truth!

Xiuxiang, our hero, has been regarded as a flying man all of the orld!

以上就是无忧自考网为大家整理的9篇《my hero英语作文》,希望对您的写作有所帮助,更多范文样本、模板格式尽在无忧自考网。

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