

更新时间:2023-11-03 01:56:43作者:壹默



教育方式英语作文 (篇一)

My father as an auto mechanic, ith a dark square face and a pair of intense eyes under arched eyebros. You may not see him as a orkingman, sharp and neat, but he keeps a close atch on me! Usually I as a little unhappy, alays escape the eyes of my father, he casually funny ords, let me laughing my head off, forget all the trouble.

Once I got into trouble at school and as shut up in my room after school, sullen and alone. Father sa me several hours not to go out of the door, think I am not in the right mood, then quietly came to me, "Xinxin, you seem to have something on your mind?" "Dad asked. I had to tell the truth and tell the hole story of the day. Thinking that he as ready to be criticized for causing such a disaster, he prepared himself to be beaten. To my surprise, my father not only did not lose his temper, but also gently stroked my head and said: "It doesnt matter, you dont have to be afraid, the most important thing is to learn the lesson, can sum up the lesson of the child, the future ill be promising." A fe ords get my heart arm, and secretly determined to correct the shortcomings, later ill not give dad.

Then, of course, something else happened. My carelessness as to blame for my poor performance in an examination. Ho can I explain to my father? Sure enough, careful father soon kne. This time he spoke to me in a heavy tone, and there ere tears in his eyes. I kno that my father is a laid-off orker, in order to support the family, he looked everyhere for vitality, I do not kno ho much suffering, suffered ho much, but in the end it as strong to bear. I admire him ith all my heart. It can be seen that his son has made him sad today. Just listen to him so to say to me: "son, you remember, our family economy is not rich, but the poor ambition is not short, hat others can do, e must do better!" Dad did not criticize as usual, but these ords like spring thunder, deafening, and alays echoed in my ears, as long as I think of dads ords, I ill be ten times the heart, a hundred times the effort to learn every subject.

教育方式英语作文 (篇二)

I really think my mother did all the right things this time hen my brother as in the rebellious stage. After all, they all produced positive effects. After all, the final effects made people feel happy.

Can be said that every mother is understanding hat your child is suitable for hat kind of education mode, the younger brother is indeed very clothes at an early age that a boy, he as a sunshine boy, and ChiRuanBuChiYing, if you are holding a feather duster to him, he ill be more rampant, but if you are in love ith gentle to treat him, he ill be particularly easy softhearted.

Mom this is probably caught the younger brother of this feature, this is a small ith nature, so this time he is in the rebellious period, to make some of the excesses that mom didnt go to blame him, but try to meet him outside the game that some requirements, hat he ant to eat, and he said in a I think its unreasonable moment ant to eat, mom ill take time and energy to realize her idea.

For example, he said he as hungry at 11:00, but at dinner he said he as full, he didnt ant to eat, his stomach as uncomfortable, so hen he said he anted to eat after 11:00, his mother ould get up and cook something for him.

He said he anted more than 10 points to eat snacks, sloly ill also took him out to buy, including he said ith my mother the night before, he suddenly very ant to eat dumplings, mom ants me to do the next day, but I have no time, I let my mother to buy directly, she did is to buy, but then the younger brother particularly fussy, she said she anted to eat their on kind, mother bought materials directly 2 day did it by himself.

No the younger brother is indeed back to the original state, is indeed to return to the state of positive and optimistic life, life can be said to return to the right track, it ill not be so lost, ill not feel the hole day lost spirit. So it has a positive effect.

教育的英语四级作文 (篇三)

Much has been discussed recently on English teaching at college, Someone says that it is a total failure. To some extent , it is reasonable to say so, for after ten-year English learning, most graduates can't properly communicate ith foreigners, nor can e translate beteen languages, let alone rite in English. Where are the problem?

To begin ith, English teaching at college, to a great extent, teacher-centerde, turning a language class into an information class. It is still very common in the classroom that the teacher explains every language point in detail, hile students take notes all the time. Secondly, culture is neglected in English teaching because of poor text design. Some redundant unrealistic materials and a great deal or grammar and structure exercises in the text lead to students memorizing a large vocabulary and a lot of English rules. Fe students kno ho , hen and here to use them. Finally, test-oriented education, in a sense, misleads and impedes college English teaching in China. For example, colege English Test Band Four or Six is so overemphasized in some colleges that teachers teach to the test, sacrificing learning for the sake of test results, and students only learn to pass the examination.

As a result ,students actual language competence is eakened though the passing rate has increased. In conclusion, Chinese English teaching is to be reformed. Students should be centered on , culture knoledge ,should be introduced in language teaching , and examination should be dealt ith appropiately.

教育的英语作文 (篇四)

Do your teachers still use traditional techniques to teach you noadays? A revol- ution in teaching techniques is required no.In the past, e just took it for granted that a teacher s aim as to teach the students all that he kne and solve all the problems for them.Therefore, students could mot judge things on their on under this circumstance.Thus students gradually lost the ability to learn by themselves.In addition, they ere only equipped ith the knoledge that ere taught in class and made the same judgement upon every problem hich might crop up.Of course, they ould find their knoledge not enough to solve practical problems.

So it is time to change the teaching method.A teacher s goal is to help the students develop not only the ability to learn by themselves but the skills to make judgements on every aspect on their on.It s not necessary for the students to turn to teachers for help hile meeting ith difficulties.The first thing is to develop the students abilities to make sound judgements upon any problem and overe difficulties.

All in all, the aim of teaching is to liberate, but mot to fetter the students innate poers of making sound judgements.




教育的英语四级作文 (篇五)

Education plays a great role in our life. But, real education begins ith self education. That is to educate ourselves.

I have had such experience. When I finish reading a good book, hich is informative and exciting, I am lost deep in thoughts and enlightened. Something or somebody ordinary in life, once ritten in books, after careful reading and thinking, ill reveal truth and philosophy. When I succeed or fad, get praised or criticized, happy or sad, I can find in books a good mirror to reflect and guide meI cannot but put myself upon thinking,"What as I? What ill I he?" At this time, my mind is open and I am my sincere self. I am having a dialogue ith myself, ith my conscience. Without my knoing it, I am educating myself.

So you can see by self -education. I mean thinking and contradicting ithin the mind. In the process of thinking and contradicting I have recollections and appraisal of myself. Then I make decisions aecording]y and keep myself in control of my thoughts and actions in the hope that I better myself in character, behavior, virtue and manner.

Self-education is an effective ay to make one noble minded, more able and intelligent and to perfect oneself. If a man keeps receiving education and educating himself, he is sure to be one cut above others.





教育的英语作文 (篇六)

Having good education conveys not only a vast of opportunities for the future but also theresponsibility of valuing it through our ,itis alays important for them to gain a good education they can acquire. It is indeed because education cannot be stolen by anyone. Education from books gives us a ide source of information and can ever to places e have never imagined. Learning through experiences, as they say is the best teacher, for e all kno that e learn through our mistakes and remember each and every lesson from it. And yet, at the end, the key to good education, is not on ho

expensive or exclusive thischool e are in to, nor on ho great looking the uniforms or things e have, not even on ho high the technology e used in learning but ho e value each

lessons e learned and the people involve in it, our family, teachers and friends, and also ith ho e put our God given opportunity of education into great use that can help make a better orld.

教育方式英语作文 (篇七)

In the development of The Times, the homeork of primary school students has become multifarious, recently there is a requirement for primary school students to rite about Su Shis research report homeork appeared. More surprising is that they ere talking about Sushis mood curve, or about sushis tourism brand value, in my opinion, this kind of homeork is really out of line at the childrens current stage of groth, too hard.

It is hard to avoid the suspicion of "ghostriting" in these uninspiring research reports. In my opinion, hether these reports are ghostriting or not, the difficult assignment itself is likely to prompt primary school students to hire ghostriting. In fact, the assignment doesnt make any sense. College students have to rack their brains to rite such research reports, let alone the immature primary school students. In this light, I ould like to ask, hat is the point of not setting this assignment? Is it a test of elementary school students interpersonal relationship?

The school that sets homeork itself is ill-considered, also bring great harm to the childs spiritual groth. The children ere supposed to be naive and carefree. Hoever, the school authorities imposed some adult factors on the childrens groth, hich helped to root out the children but did not help them at all. The groth of people should be gradual, but the school undoubtedly shortened the groth cycle of children. To a large extent, it ill cause the loss of character of children. The act of Father Zhongyong has alays been deeply regretted by people.

Coincidentally, in the essay competition of "My Family Heirloom" held in Shanghai, many primary school students thought of talking about traditional virtues. Hoever, the pen they rote as the pencil they broke, so it as unritten. In my opinion, this is probably a lack of education, hich equates high quality ith high intention, lacks sincerity, and only adds a lot of stereotypes. Language, like reporting events, is not only a betrayal of educational purpose, it also breeds a crisis of lying, in hich children rite about things that have nothing to do ith their experiences.

Noadays people talk about "precision", I think education also needs precision. At present, the real education, first of all, to adjust the existing ay of education, education should be in line ith the people e meet, for children should pay more attention to the development of childrens innovative thinking, excavate the valuable nature of children, such a step by step, can cultivate all-round talents.

So, e should ork hard to make the people e meet thrive.

教育的英语作文 (篇八)

As knon as e all,education is important in modern society.Everyone ought to be educated.So the teaching bee more and more necessary,expecially the college teaching.

China,like many other countries in the orld,adapts ritten or oral examination as the only ay to measure a students school ork.It seems that the aim of school education is to achieve the temeness of students for society rather than to cultivate the unique minds for the individuals.But e must kno,the school should to teaching the methods of learning,but not many formulas.

Besides,most of school in china alays think studying more important than other activities,hich is a rong vie.Obviously,active participation in school activities can better our health as ell as our study.Students need not only ork hard on their studies,but also often join the school various activities.The most important is school should to make proper arrangements of physical recreation and intellectual activities to enrich the school life,improve the students prehensive quality.




教育的英语作文 (篇九)

Dear mom and dad:

A arm family , a fantastic surroundings are the best gift hich you have given me since I as born.I dont kno ho to express my appreciation for hat you have done to me.But I exactly need to talk ith you.

There is no denying that every parents have a high expectation to their childrens future and its true of you.But the regulation you made is too strict so that I spend all my time on it even cant do anything Im interested e find a balance to make both of us happy?

Im not alloed to make grades lover than A.I cant have a play crate and choose my on extracurricular activities.There is no puter or it enable me to get good grades but at the same time its impossible for to enjoy the happiness hen spend time ith friend and play sports.Furthermore , no our society need the person ho is all-round development and success in school ork cant decide everything.The skill of ho to get along ith people , the creativity and the international visual field are also significant for no students 。So hen the family education are put into much pressure and rules , it ill bee a burden to us and even get in the ay of our groth.You dont ant to see that ,dont you?

As a matter of fact 。I admit that e need to be pushed sometime 。The expectation and pressure e from parents can be a dynamics that contribute us to do better 。our all success no matter in studying or other aspects is based on family education 。Therefore , finding a balance beteen your expectation and my on life is necessary 。If so , not only can you still be proud of my great grades but also I can enjoy the things I am interested in and study more effectively.

Finally , I ant to say Im alays very appreciative of being your daughter

Your daughter

May.27th 2015








May.27th 2015


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