

更新时间:2024-02-02 08:44:03作者:壹默



诚信的英语作文 (篇一)


Walking in Xikou as very common at that time. We can deeply understand the touching scene of the heartstrings torn couple's separation and the separation of mother and son from Yu Qiuyu's article on the history of Shanxi merchants.


Ancient road mouth, April day, no sunshine, only sand. The ind is no less crazy than the first month of December. The ferry is full of ice. It's like going to the fair, or the strong men alking West. They follo each other, looking for money and life. But ho many of them set foot on this homeland to see their mother and their lovely ife?


Joe got on the boat and didn't look back. His ife as shaking her mother in the sand. They didn't say a ord. They couldn't even lift the calloused hand. But his ife kne that the third brother ould never forget his oath: "don't orry, as soon as I have the money, I ill come back to pick you up. If I change my mind, I ill be salloed by the Yello River!"


Against the ind, against the current, the ship disappeared in the big corner. I hope this mother-in-la and daughter-in-la ill not go as hard as a boat and ait anxiously. My ife alays believes that the Yello River ill itness everything.


Spring to spring, ind stop, ater up and don, can alays see her carrying basket andering in the Yello River Ferry. Picking bitter vegetables for a hile, she stood up straight and looked at the distance. The red scarf fluttered in the ind, sending out a signal. Let the boatman of a long distance see it and call out: "elder sister, here are you aiting?"


She stood silently at the mouth of the sand river, looked at the ancient road, prayed to the God of the river, and unconsciously chanted "go to the West Port": "my brother, you go to the West Port, my sister, I have long tears. Elder brother, don't change your mind, younger sister, I ill stay at the head of the village.。.。.。 "


I've heard that Joe has built a shop there and become a family. She didn't believe it or cry, but the old lady couldn't stand the rumors and torture and ent back to the West as soon as possible. She firmly believed that the third brother ould not cheat himself or betray the Yello River, the God in their hearts.


In the past 20 years, she often ent to the ferry to ask for information. Whenever there as any nes, she invited people to the door. It as good ine and meat. Every time she heard the same ords: "don't ait, he on't come back."


Jump to the intersection and kick the yello grass on the sand. This spring is late, and the grass can't be green. She thought, isn't she a grass aiting for you?


LingHong comes again. Unexpectedly, she hates the Yello River hen she looks at the huge ice peak. Why can't you bring the old three back? Here comes a boat coming don the river. It looks like the third is aving at the bo of the boat. She is so excited that she goes up. But a disappointed heart cooled don. She aded into the Yello River to look for her third child. She ent far and far


A fe years later, people came to the village, but soon they rushed to the ferry. People only heard a vague cry: "Lord Yello River, I'll plead guilty!"


After listening to this story, the boys in Xikou never broke faith ith their ives or the Yello River. Generation after generation, never heard of such a sad story, only the distant charge and the laughter of returning -- the root of Shanxi business culture.

诚信的英语作文 篇二)

When it es to honesty, quite a lot of people believe it is essential to a person’s character and success。


They base their idea on the folloing reasons: on one hand, successful business oes much to mutual trust; on another hand, great people in history such as Abraham Lincoln andGeorge Washington set us good examples of being honest, they are great because they are honest。


But some people think differently。 They believe honesty is being out of date。


Their reasons run as folloing: to begin ith, cheating on exams is being more and more popular; in addition, some singers and movie stars cheat on taxes; last but not the least, if you are not careful enough, you’ll buy some defective goods and fake products。


It is high time e emphasized and encouraged honesty。 We can take effective measures to restore it。


For example, kids should be taught to tell truth, strict rules and regulations should be carried out to stop cheatings on exams and taxes, etc。


诚信的.英语作文 (篇三)

With our orld developing,more and more people neglect ho to conduct theirselves.What is the most common reflection of this phenomenon is dishonesty,hich is no seriously influencing relationship beteen people.

Being dishonest can do harm not only to others but also to ourselves,thus,e must get aare of the importance of boycoting it.Take the case of the Sanlu poder for example.After drinking Sanlu fake poder,lots of babies got sick and had big heads,nevertheless,their bodies still thin.People hateful too much,the Sanlu corporation expectedly get punished and never have choice to make up their faults.

When it comes to the significances of being honest,I consider,e ill make good relationship beteen others,such as in the school ,in the busineand in the society.Furthermore,only if e are honest to others can others become friendly to us.Therefore,cultivate a virtue of honesty and e ill get better.

诚信的英语作文 (篇四)

Honesty is every persons virtue, is a kind of quality, in our human society, no matter in hich aspects should pay attention to integrity, honesty is a blessing, ith people of good faith in business, or ill succeed in life, so honesty is the most important aspect of a as a person.

Good faith is to pay attention to all aspects of the business, ork, life, friends, … … to be honest, people need to maintain the integrity of the relationship; commercial integrity needs to maintain their livelihood, maintenance and other companies. Honesty can make others feel good about yourself, and honesty can also improve your career and your life. Honesty is so small that you can improve your mind and body so much that you can make yourself famous. Honesty can help you achieve success in your career and achieve happiness in your life.

Honesty is not only to say, action, but also learn to learn integrity caution, not to others to yourself is not good for others, a sincere heart also need to be careful, cautious hen others, others to trust yourself, be careful. The need to adhere to honesty, persistence ill improve, there is a saying called one, e have to do in a day of sincerity, only insist to keep their invariant character, honesty in can improve their physical and mental, hone their endurance, this is not a satisfactory beautiful thing?

Honesty is honesty and trustorthiness. A man ho keeps his ord is alays taken in by others. Honesty requires courage and prudence, and credit needs to be adhered to and perfected. Only in this ay can one be completely honest.

A little faith is the most basic not to deceive others, bad faith, a faith of the people is the loss of morality, is a physical and mental health of the people, not only hurt themselves, but also hurt others, can be said to be a liar, so people can not get the trust of others, can not stand in the society, it is very hard to make good friends. Wherever e are, e must have good faith.

Honesty needs to stand up to temptation, no matter ho big it is, as long as it is contrary to good faith, dont do it. If you do it, it ill have a great influence on your future. Compared ith honesty, honesty is much better. Since honesty is good, hy should e choose to be dishonest?

Good faith has become the indispensable character, integrity to perfect ourselves, it is good to others, in trust, in in favor, the cause of the increase, in life progress, no better than those of many good faith. Ho to improve the physical and mental integrity, honesty, benefits, such as, that is to say honesty is a blessing.


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