

更新时间:2023-12-17 20:57:57作者:壹默



舞狮的英文作文 (篇一)

Lion Dance means a performance b dance to pray for the coming year to good eather, a bumper grain harvest. Back to the Han Dynasty, history has long been recorded, thousands of years ago this folk custom passed from generation to generation, flourishing.

I like dragon dance very much. I also like to collect some pictures and materials about dragons, and sing dragon's songs and discs. I feel the profound and profound Chinese culture.

The dragon, also knon as the "Dragon Dance", is a form of Chinese folk dance, popular in many regions of the country. The image of "dragon" has its on characteristics, usually ith bamboo, ood, paper, cloth and so on. The dancers hold a section ith each stick. A person holding beads, play dragon dance, tap ith beads, body sections ith the leading up and don somersault. Every day can be a burning candle called "dragon", cannot be called "burning candle lamp cloth"。 In addition, there are lotus lamp, butterfly lamp. "White leaf dragon", ith a long bench dance "bench dragon" and "dragon" in body composition and other forms.

舞狮的英文作文 (篇九)

I ent back to my hometon for the Spring Festival last year. I remember the morning of the lunar ne year on December 24. I just got up and as ready to eat breakfast. Suddenly, there as the sound of firecrackers. I ran in the direction of the sound and found that the team of lion dancers came to our community to pay Ne Year's greetings!

There ere a lot of people in the yard. They came to atch the lion dance. They brought not only dancing lions, but also aist drum players and dry boats. Hoever, my favorite is lion dance. I sa a mighty lion beating around a square table. The lion as very lifelike, ith a big mouth and eyes blinking. It shook its head and stood upright and upside don on the square table for a hile. It seemed that it as not afraid of falling. It as really breathtaking. Dancing and dancing, I sa the lion looking excited. I sa the lion's uncle bring a bamboo pole ith lettuce hanging on it. When the lion sa it, he jumped very high and grabbed the lettuce. I felt very curious and asked my mother, "Mom, hy did the lion rob the lettuce?"

My mother told me, "that's using homonym to say lettuce as" making money "。 Yes, everyone ants to make money! I suddenly understand! The lion dance is so interesting! Ah! Chinese traditional culture is so diverse and interesting!

舞狮的英文作文 (篇十)

On the evening of the thirteen lunar calendar, my father and I ent to the pedestrian street to see the dragon dance performance. On the ay, e happen to meet a dragon dance team. In front of the long dragon, they play the lanterns, disguised as the shape of the Ji Gong, the mussel, the boatman, the floer basket and the color boat. Behind, follo a large crod of people looking at the dragon.

At the door of a shop, the team stopped. Lantern "cap" to the house after the blessing, the host family ill have already prepared the alcohol, into the "cap" basket, and toast to every Dragon boy. After the ine, the dance dragon performance began.

Suddenly, the sound of firecrackers, gongs and drums, bashing the long. The adults ere constantly throing firecrackers in the center of the field, and the children lit the fireorks in their hands and aligned themselves ith the danced dragon. In a moment, the hole dragon dance as filled ith smoke and fire. In the firelight and firecrackers fireorks tube flame radiation, sa the Dragon rolling up and don, and, like the clouds.

The dragon is really onderful, see me4, I have to admire the dragon people, they ere really brave.


- -END- -




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