
美国 自然科学基金,美国自然科学基金杰出青年

更新时间:2023-11-19 16:33:04作者:51data


美国 自然科学基金,美国自然科学基金杰出青年




在NSF网站上,用“digital twin”关键词进行支持项目检索,相关项目超过3000个,相关统计结果如下(注:部分可能与数字孪生关联度并不高)表1 按所在州统计

表 2按学部专业统计

表 3按资助金额统计


用“digital twin” 关键词在美国自然基金会网站上进行检索,主要支持数字孪生相关项目如下(与上述的检索方式稍有不同):

3.1 智慧城市数字孪生会议(Smart City Digital Twin Convergence Conference)



3.2 智能制造系统的软件定义控制(Software Defined Control for Smart Manufacturing Systems)




[1] FelipeLopez James Moyne Kira Barton Dawn Tilbury "Process-capability-awarescheduling/dispatching in wafer fabs" Advanced Process Control Conference, 2017

[2] Lopez,F., Saez, M., Shao, Y., Balta, E., Moyne, J., Mao, M., Barton, K., Tilbury, D"Categorization of Anomalies in Smart Manufacturing Systems to Support theSelection of Detection Mechanisms" Conference on Automation Science andEngineering , 2017

[3] Lopez,F., Saez, M., Shao, Y., Balta, E., Moyne, J., Mao, Z., Barton, K., Tilbury, D."Categorization of anomalies in smart manufacturing systems to support theselection of detection mechanisms" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ,v.2 , 2017

[4] EfeBalta Kira Barton Dawn Tilbury "A Centralized Framework for System-LevelControl and Management of Additive Manufacturing Fleets" Conference onAutomation Science and Engineering , 2018 , p.1071-1078

[5] FelipeLopez Yuri Shao Morley Mao James Moyne Kira Barton Dawn Tilbury "Asoftware-defined framework for the integrated management of smart manufacturingsystems" Manufacturing Letters , v.15 , 2018 , p.18-21

[6] EfeBalta Dawn Tilbury Kira Barton "A Digital Twin Framework for PerformanceMonitoring and Anomaly Detection in Fused Deposition Modeling" IEEEConference on Automation Science and Engineering , 2019

[7] EfeBalta Dawn Tilbury Kira Barton "Control-Oriented Modeling andLayer-to-Layer Stability for Fused Deposition Modeling: A Kernel BasisApproach" American Control Conference , 2019

[8] JamesMoyne Yassine Qamsane Efe C. Balta Ilya Kovalenko John Faris Kira Barton DawnTilbury "A Requirements Driven Digital Twin Framework: Specification andOpportunities" IEEE Access , 2020 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3000437

[9] MuZhang C-Y Chen B-C Hao Yassine Qamsane Yuri Shao Yikai Lin Elaine Shi SibinMohan Kira Barton James Moyne Morley Mao "Towards Automated Safety Vettingof PLC Code in Real-World Plants" IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy ,2019

[10] YassineQamsane C-Y Chen Efe Balta B-C Kao Sibin Mohan James Moyne Dawn Tilbury KiraBarton "A Unified Digital Twin Framework for Real-time Monitoring andEvaluation of Smart Manufacturing Systems" IEEE 15th InternationalConference on Automation Science and Engineering , 2019

[11] YassineQamsane Efe Balta James Moyne Dawn Tilbury Kira Barton "Dynamic Reroutingof Cyber-Physical Production Systems in Response to Disruptions Based on SDCFramework" American Control Conference , 2019

[12] YikaiLin Yuri Shao Xiao Zhu Junpeng Guo Kira Barton Morley Mao "ADD:Application-Centric Data-Driven Controller Design" Symposium on SDNResearch , 2019

[13] Moyne,James and Qamsane, Yassine and Balta, Efe C. and Kovalenko, Ilya and Faris,John and Barton, Kira and Tilbury, Dawn M. "A Requirements Driven DigitalTwin Framework: Specification and Opportunities" IEEE Access , v.8 , 202010.1109/ACCESS.2020.3000437

[14] Aksoy,Doruk and Balta, Efe C. and Tilbury, Dawn M. and Barton, Kira "AControl-Oriented Model for Bead Cross-Sectional Geometry in Fused DepositionModeling" 2020 American Control Conference , 202010.23919/ACC45564.2020.9147769

[15] Lopez,Felipe and Saez, Miguel and Shao, Yuru and Balta, Efe C. and Moyne, James andMao, Z. Morley and Barton, Kira and Tilbury, Dawn "Categorization of Anomaliesin Smart Manufacturing Systems to Support the Selection of DetectionMechanisms" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters , v.2 , 201710.1109/LRA.2017.2714135

[16] Qamsane,Yassine and Chen, Chien-Ying and Balta, Efe C. and Kao, Bin-Chou and Mohan, Sibinand Moyne, James and Tilbury, Dawn and Barton, Kira "A Unified DigitalTwin Framework for Real-time Monitoring and Evaluation of Smart ManufacturingSystems" 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science andEngineering (CASE) , 2019 10.1109/COASE.2019.8843269

[17] Balta,Efe C. and Tilbury, Dawn M. and Barton, Kira "A Digital Twin Framework forPerformance Monitoring and Anomaly Detection in Fused Deposition Modeling"2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering(CASE) , 2019 10.1109/COASE.2019.8843166

[18] Qamsane,Yassine and Balta, Efe C. and Moyne, James and Tilbury, Dawn and Barton, Kira"Dynamic Rerouting of Cyber-Physical Production Systems in Response toDisruptions Based on SDC Framework" 2019 American Control Conference ,2019 10.23919/ACC.2019.8814412

[19] Balta,Efe C. and Tilbury, Dawn M. and Barton, Kira "Control-Oriented Modelingand Layer-to-Layer Stability for Fused Deposition Modeling: A Kernel BasisApproach" 2019 American Control Conference , 201910.23919/ACC.2019.8814304

3.3 智能制造系统的软件定义控制(Software Defined Control for Smart Manufacturing Systems)




[1] MatthewPotok, Chien-Ying Chen, Sayan Mitra, Sibin Mohan "SDCworks: a formalframework for software defined control of smart manufacturing systems"Juried conference Paper , 2018 , p.88 10.1109/ICCPS.2018.00017

[2] Chen,Chien-Ying; Hasan, Monowar; Mohan, Sibin "Securing Real-TimeInternet-of-Things" Sensors Journal , 2018

[3] Mohan,Sibin; Asplund, Mikael; Bloom, Gedare; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Ibrahim, Ahmad;Salajageh, Negin; Griffioen, Paul; Sinopoli, Bruno "The Future of IoTSecurity: Special Session" International Conference on Embedded Software(EMSOFT) , 2018

[4] Zhang,Mu; Chen, Chien-Ying; Kao, Bin-Chou; Qamsane, Yassine; Shao, Yuru; Lin, Yikai;Shi, Elaine; Mohan, Sibin; Barton, Kira; Moyne, James; Mao, Morley"Towards Automated Safety Vetting of PLC Code in Real-World Plants"IEEE Security and Privacy. , 2019

[5] ChiaoHsieh and Sayan Mitra "Dione: A Protocol Verification System Built withDafny for I/O Automata" Integrated Formal Methods (iFM), 15thInternational Conference,Bergen, Norway, December 2-6, 2019, Proceedings ,v.11918 , 2019 , p.227 10.1007/978-3-030-34968-4\_13

[6] Qamsane,Yassine; Chen, Chien-Ying; Balta, Efe; Kao, Bin-Chou; Mohan, Sibin; Moyne,Sibin; Tilbury, Dawn; Barton, Kira "A Unified Digital Twin Framework forReal-time Monitoring and Evaluation of Smart Manufacturing Systems" IEEEInternational Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) , 2019

[7] RitwikaGhosh, Joao P. Jansch-Porto, Chiao Hsieh, Amelia Gosse, Minghao Jiang, HebronTaylor, Peter Du, Sayan Mitra, Geir Dullerud "CyPhyHouse: A programming,simulation, and deployment toolchain for heterogeneous distributedcoordination" IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA), 2020, Paris, France. , 2020

[8] Chen,Chien-Ying and Hasan, Monowar and Mohan, Sibin "Securing Real-TimeInternet-of-Things" Sensors , v.18 , 2018 10.3390/s18124356

[9] Mohan,Sibin and Asplund, Mikael and Bloom, Gedare and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza andIbrahim, Ahmad and Salajageh, Negin and Griffioen, Paul and Sinopoli, Bruno"The Future of IoT Security: Special Session" International Conferenceon Embedded Software (EMSOFT) , 2018

[10] Qamsane,Yassine and Chen, Chien-Ying and Balta, Efe and Kao, Bin-Chou and Mohan, Sibinand Moyne, Sibin and Tilbury, Dawn and Barton, Kira "A Unified DigitalTwin Framework for Real-time Monitoring and Evaluation of Smart ManufacturingSystems" IEEE International Conference on Automation Science andEngineering (CASE) , 2019

[11] Zhang,Mu and Chen, Chien-Ying and Kao, Bin-Chou and Qamsane, Yassine and Shao, Yuruand Lin, Yikai and Shi, Elaine and Mohan, Sibin and Barton, Kira and Moyne,James and Mao, Morley "Towards Automated Safety Vetting of PLC Code inReal-World Plants" IEEE security & privacy , 2019

3.4 设计制造一体化平台(A Platform for MatchingManufacturing Service Companies with Design Enterprises)




3.5 以网络为中心和数据完备度及响应性的灾害系统体系需求确定(Establishing Disaster System-of-Systems Requirementsfor Network-Centric and Data-Enriched Preparedness and Response)




[1] Zhang, Cheng and Fan, Chao and Yao, Wenlinand Hu, Xia and Mostafavi, Ali "Social media for intelligent publicinformation and warning in disasters: An interdisciplinary review"International Journal of Information Management , v.49 , 2019 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2019.04.004

[2] Fan, Chao and Mostafavi, Ali "A graph‐based methodfor social sensing of infrastructure disruptions in disasters"Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering , v.34 , 201910.1111/mice.12457

[3] Fan, Chao and Jiang, Yucheng and Mostafavi,Ali "Seeding Strategies in Online Social Networks for ImprovingInformation Dissemination of Built Environment Disruptions in Disasters"Computing in Civil Engineering 2019 , 2019

[4] Fan, Chao and Mostafavi, Ali"Establishing a framework for disaster management system-of-systems"IEEE Systems Conference (SysCon) , 2018 10.1109/SYSCON.2018.8369545

[5] Fan, Chao and Yao, Wenlin and Mostafavi, Aliand Huang, Ruihong "A Graph-based Approach for Detecting CriticalInfrastructure Disruptions on Social Media in Disasters" the 52nd HawaiiInternational Conference on System Sciences , 2019

[6] Fan, Chao and Zhang, Cheng and Mostafavi, Ali"Meta-Network Framework for Analyzing Disaster ManagementSystem-of-Systems" 13th Annual Conference on System of Systems Engineering(SoSE) , 2018 10.1109/SYSOSE.2018.8428753

[7] Fan, Chao and Mostafavi, Ali and Gupta,Aayush and Zhang, Cheng "A System Analytics Framework for DetectingInfrastructure-Related Topics in Disasters Using Social Sensing" 25thInternational Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE) , 2018

[8] Fan, Chao and Zhang, Cheng and Mostafavi, Ali"Meta-network Framework for Analyzing Disaster ManagementSystem-of-Systems" IEEE System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE) ,2018

[9] Fan, Chao and Mostafavi, Ali"Establishing a Framework for Disaster Management System-of-Systems"IEEE SysCon , 2018

[10] Yang, Yang and Zhang, Cheng and Fan, Chaoand Yao, Wenlin and Huang, Ruihong and Mostafavi, Ali "Exploring theemergence of influential users on social media during natural disasters"International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction , v.38 , 201910.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101204

[11] Yao, Wenlin and Zhang, Cheng and Saravanan,Shiva and Huang, Ruihong and Mostafavi, Ali "Weakly-supervisedFine-grained Event Recognition on Social Media Texts for DisasterManagement" Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020

[12] Fan, Chao and Mostafavi, Ali and Gupta,Aayush and Zhang, Cheng "A System Analytics Framework for DetectingInfrastructure-Related Topics in Disasters Using Social Sensing" Workshopof the European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering , 2018

[13] Fan, Chao and Mostafavi, Ali"Metanetwork Framework for Performance Analysis of Disaster ManagementSystem-of-Systems" IEEE Systems Journal , 2019 10.1109/JSYST.2019.2926375

3.6 动态网络辨识方法及其在智能建筑控制中的应用(Methods for Dynamic Network Identification with Application to theControl of Smart Buildings)




[1]Jonathan Brooks and Prabir Barooah "Demand control for maintaining gridfrequency without affecting consumers quality of service through decentralizedbandwidth-constrained control" American Control Conference , 2017

[2]Austin Coffman and Prabir Barooah "Simultaneous identification of buildingdynamic model and occupant-induced disturbance" Building and Environment ,v.128 , 2018 , p.153 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.10.020

[3]Tingting Zeng and Jonathan Brooks and Prabir Barooah "Simultaneousidentification of linear building dynamic model and disturbance usingsparsity-promoting optimization" International Conference on HighPerformance Buildings , 2018

[4]Tingting Zeng and Prabir Barooah "Identification of Network Dynamics andDisturbance for a Multi-zone Building" 2nd IFAC Conference onCyber-Physical and Human Systems , 2018

[5]Tingting Zeng , Jonathan Brooks, and Prabir Barooah "SimultaneousIdentification of Linear Building Dynamic Model and Disturbance UsingSparsity-Promoting Optimization" 5th International High PerformanceBuildings Conference , 2018

[6]Tingting Zeng and Prabir Barooah "Identification of Network Dynamics andDisturbance for a Multi-zone Building" 2nd IFAC Conference onCyber-Physical & Human-Systems , 2018

[7]Tingting Zeng, and Prabir Barooah "An autonomous MPC scheme forenergy-optimal control of building HVAC systems" 2020 American ControlConference , 2020

[8]Zhong Guo, Austin R. Coffman, Jeffrey Munk, Piljae Im, and Prabir Barooah"Identification of aggregate building thermal dynamic model and unmeasuredinternal heat load from data" IEEE Conference on Decision and Control ,2019 10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9030198

[9]Tingting Zeng and Prabir Barooah "Identification of Network Dynamics andDisturbance for a Multi-zone Building" IEEE Transactions on ControlSystems Technology , 2019

[10]Tingting Zeng and Prabir Barooah "An autonomous MPC scheme for energy-efficientcontrol of building HVAC systems" American Control Conference , 202010.23919/ACC45564.2020.9147753

[11]Austin Coffman and Prabir Barooah "Simultaneous identification of dynamicmodel and occupant-induced disturbance for commercial buildings" Buildingand Environment , v.128 , 2018 , p.153 doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.10.020

[12]Zhong Guo and Austin R. Coffman and Jeffrey Munk and Piljae Im and PrabirBarooah "Identification of aggregate building thermal dynamic model andunmeasured internal heat load from data" IEEE Conference on Decision andControl , 2019 10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9030198

[13]Guo, Zhong and Coffman, Austin R. and Munk, Jeffrey and Im, Piljae and Barooah,Prabir "Identification of aggregate building thermal dynamic model andunmeasured internal heat load from data" 2019 IEEE 58th Conference onDecision and Control (CDC) , 2019 10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9030198

[14]Zeng, Tingting and Brooks, Jonathan and Barooah, Prabir. "Simultaneousidentification of linear building dynamic model and disturbance usingsparsity-promoting optimization" ArXivorg , 2020

[15]Coffman, Austin and Barooah, Prabir "Simultaneous identification ofdynamic model and occupant-induced disturbance for commercial buildings"Building and environment , 2018

[16]Zeng, Tingting and Brooks, Jonathan and Barooah, Prabir "Simultaneousidentification of linear building dynamic model and disturbance usingsparsity-promoting optimization" Automatica , 2018

[17]Zeng, Tingting and Barooah, Prabir "Identification of Network Dynamics andDisturbance for a Multi-zone Building" 2nd {IFAC} Conference onCyber-Physical and Human Systems , 2018

[18]Zeng, Tingting and Brooks, Jonathan and Barooah, Prabir "SimultaneousIdentification of Linear Building Dynamic Model and Disturbance UsingSparsity-Promoting Optimization" 5th International Conference on HighPerformance Buildings , 2018

[19]Guo, Zhong and Coffman, Austin and Munk, Jeffrey and Im, Piljae and Kuruganit,Teja and Barooah, Prabir "Aggregation and data driven identification ofbuilding thermal dynamic model and unmeasured disturbance" Energy andbuildings , v.231 , 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110500

[20]Tingting Zeng and Prabir Barooah "Identification of network dynamics anddisturbance for a multi-zone building" IFAC Conference on Cyber-Physicaland Human Systems (CPHS) , 2018 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.01.059

[21]Zhong Guo and Austin R. Coffman and Jeffrey Munk and Piljae Im and TejaKuruganti and Prabir Barooah "Aggregation and Data Driven Identificationof Building Thermal Dynamic Model and Unmeasured Disturbance" Energy andBuildings , 2020

[22]Zeng, Tingting and Barooah, Prabir "An autonomous MPC scheme forenergy-efficient control of building HVAC systems" 2020 American ControlConference (ACC) , 2020 10.23919/ACC45564.2020.9147753

[23]Tingting Zeng, Jonathan Brooks, Prabir Barooah "Simultaneousidentification of linear building dynamic model and disturbance usingsparsity-promoting optimization" 5th International High PerformanceBuildings Conference at Purdue. , 2018

[24]Roshan Raisoni and Naren Srivaths Raman and Prabir Barooah and Jeffrey D. Munkand Piljae Im "A control-oriented dynamic model of air flow in a singleduct HVAC" 5th International Conference on High Performance Buildings ,2018

[25]Zeng, Tingting and Barooah, Prabir "Identification of Network Dynamics andDisturbance for a Multizone Building" IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology , 2020 10.1109/TCST.2019.2949546

3.7 建筑的信息、居住、交互、智能、集成建模(Building Information, Inhabitant, Interaction and IntelligentIntegrated Modeling BI5M)




[1]Mohammadi, Neda and Taylor, John E. "Recurrent Mobility: UrbanConduits for Diffusion of Energy Efficiency" Scientific Reports ,v.9 , 2019 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-56372-4

[2]Francisco, Abigail and Taylor, John E. "Understanding citizenperspectives on open urban energy data through the development and testing of acommunity energy feedback system" Applied Energy ,v.256 , 2019 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113804

[3]Francisco, Abigail and Mohammadi, Neda and Taylor, John E. "SmartCity Digital Twin–Enabled Energy Management: Toward Real-Time Urban BuildingEnergy Benchmarking" Journal of Management in Engineering ,v.36 , 2020 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000741

[4]Xu, Lei and Francisco, Abigail and Mohammadi, Neda and Taylor, JohnE. "Visualization (nD, VR, AR)" Development of a VirtualReality Integrated Community-Scale Eco-Feedback System ,2019 10.1061/9780784482421.012












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