

更新时间:2023-11-14 03:45:17作者:51data








难度等级:高 提示:文末听力原文中有详细解析和笔记范例

1.What is the main purpose of the lecture

A. To point out similarities between Emerson’s essays and poems.

B. To prepare the students to read an essay by Emerson.

C. To compare Emerson’s concept of universal truth to that of other authors.

D. To show the influence of early United States society on Emerson’s writing.

2.On what basis did Emerson criticize the people of his time

A. They refused to recognize universal truths.

B. They did not recognize the genius of certain authors.

C. Their convictions were not well-defined.

D. They were too interested in conformity.

3.What does Emerson say about the past

A. It should guide a person’s present actions.

B. It must be examined closely.

C. It is less important than the future.

D. It lacks both clarity and universal truth.

4.What point does the professor make when he mentions a ship’s path

A. It is easy for people to lose sight of their true path.

B. Most people are not capable of deciding which path is best for them.

C. The path a person takes can only be seen clearly after the destination has been reached.

D. A person should establish a goal before deciding which path to take.

5.What does the professor imply about himself when he recounts some life experiences he had before becoming a literature professor Click on 2 answers.

A. He did not consider the consequences of his decisions.

B. He did not plan to become a literature professor

C. He has always tried to act consistently

D. He has trusted in himself and his decisions.

6.Why does the professor say this Remember, this is 1838. Self-reliance was a novel idea at the time, and United States citizens were less secure about themselves as inpiduals and as Americans.

A. To suggest that United States citizens have not changed much over time

B. To encourage the class to find more information about this time period.

C. To explain why Emerson’s essay has lost some relevance.

D. To provide background for the concept he is explaining.

答案:1B 2D 3C 4C 5BD 6D

Listen to part of a lecture in a literature class.




Alright, so let me close today’s class with some thoughts to keep in mind while you’re doing tonight’s assignment. You’ll be reading one of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s best-known essays, Self-Reliance, and comparing it with his poems and other works. (第一题答案出处)I think this essay has the potential to be quite meaningful for all of you—as young people who probably wonder about things like truth, and where your lives are going … all sorts of profound questions.

笔记:△thought keep in mind while assignment(emerson’s essay self reliance-SRcompare with poem and other) ∵meaningful profound question

这一段的关键是全文主旨:1 希望做作业时可以带着这样的念头 2 作业是度emerson的散文self reliance 并与poem等做对比 3 后面一句是逻辑连接,即为什么要这么做?因为这篇文章意义重大,有许多深刻的问题

Knowing something about Emerson’s philosophies will help you when you read Self-Reliance. And basically, one of the main beliefs that he had, was about truth. Not that it’s something that we can be taught... Emerson says it’s found within ourselves.

笔记:emerson’s philosophies

提出emerson’s philosophies,注意,段首出现名词意味着本段(甚至是接下来的好几段内容)将围绕该名词论述,有必要记录名词即关键词

So this truth... the idea that it’s in each one of us... is one of the first points that you’ll see Emerson making in this essay. It’s a bit abstract, but he’s very into, ah, into each person believing his or her own thought. Believing in yourself, the thought or conviction that’s true for you.

一些常考点如最高级first points可以记一下,态度is very into believe own thought,例子shakespeare unique pay attention express truth

笔记:1^ point √→believe own thought

But actually, he ties that in with a sort of universal truth, something that everyone knows but doesn’t realize they know. Most of us aren’t in touch with ourselves, in a way, so we just aren’t capable of recognizing profound truths. It takes geniuses... people like, say, Shakespeare, who are unique because when they have a glimpse of this truth—this universal truth—they pay attention to it and express it, and don’t just dismiss it like most people do.




Know realize recongnize truth

Geniuse e.g. Shakespeare attention express


Know realize recongnize truth

>→ compare response

Geniuse e.g. Shakespeare attention express


So, Emerson is really into each inpidual believing in, and trusting, him or herself. You’ll see that he writes about... well, first, conformity. He criticizes the people of his time, for abandoning their own minds and their own wills for the sake of conformity and consistency. (第二题答案出处,这种题目有个小技巧,例如此题,已知态度题为常考题型,选项中A与D描述的是态度,可以推测考察态度,答案可在A与D中选择,再排除掉不靠谱的A就能选对正确答案;这类题目虽难,但有经验后可以发现其实是唬人的题目,ABC答案相当不靠谱,没有“答案该有的样子”,只是出现了文中的名词,实际内容完全是无中生有,用来唬一些没听懂逻辑,但听到几个关键词的人瞎选)

出现第二个关键词 conformity 第二个态度词criticize

直接说出论点,批评people of his time为了conformity consistency而abandon mind & will

笔记:conformity →people of his time abandon mind & will ∵ conformity consistency

They try to fit in with the rest of the world, even though it’s at odds with their beliefs and their identities. Therefore, it’s best to be a nonconformist—to do your own thing, not worrying about what other people think. That’s an important point—he really drives this argument home throughout the essay.



反复出现原形、近义词、形变词的词为关键词,常为考点,可以用 框起来,有利于做题时找笔记对应部分

When you’re reading I want you to think about that, and why that kind of thought would be relevant to the readers of his time. Remember, this is 1838. Self-reliance was a novel idea at the time, and United States citizens were less secure about themselves as inpiduals and as Americans. (第六题答案出处,需要一定的推断)The country as a whole was trying to define itself.

笔记:thought-time SR novel e.g. US less secure try to define itself

Emerson wanted to give people something to really think about. Help them find their own way and ah, what it meant to be who they were.

笔记:❤→ think find way be who they were

So, that’s something that I think is definitely as relevant today as it was then... probably, uh... especially among young adults like yourselves. You know, uh, college being a time to sort of really think about who you are and where you’re going.

Now, we already said that Emerson really emphasized nonconformity, right As a way to sort of not lose your own self and identity in the world To have your own truth and not be afraid to listen to it

Well, he takes it a step further. Not conforming also means, ah, not conforming with yourself, or your past. What does that mean Well, if you’ve always been a certain way, or done a certain thing, but it’s not working for you anymore, or you’re not content—Emerson says that it’d be foolish to be consistent even with our own past. Focus on the future, he says: that’s what matters more. Inconsistency is good! He talks about a ship’s voyage—and this is one of the most famous bits of the essay—how the best voyage is made up of zigzag lines. Up close, it seems a little all over the place, but from farther away the true path shows, and in the end it justifies all the turns along the way.(第四题答案出处,例子细节题)

注意排序词,排序词除了以first second 或 then 或 on the other side等形式出现外,可能还出现在一些表达递进关系的话语中


/ not conforming ⊃ self ∪ past

Not work or content !→ future ❤→ inconsistency

e.g. voyage famous^ zigzag justify turns

So, don’t worry if you’re not sure where you’re headed or what your long term goals are—stay true to yourself and it’ll make sense in the end. I mean, I can attest to that. Before I was a literature professor, I was an accountant. Before that, I was a newspaper reporter. My life has taken some pretty interesting turns, and here I am, very happy with my experiences and where they’ve brought me. If you rely on yourself and trust your own talents, your own interests, don’t worry. Your path will make sense in the end.(第五题答案出处)

笔记:stay true e.g. <professor| accountant newspaper reporter √→






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