

更新时间:2023-11-02 11:25:47作者:51data



完形填空:1. Located2. Privately3. combination4. Describe5. Such as6. Construction7. Faced8. Subjected9. So that10. Meeting11. As a result12. Exchange13. As well as14. Influencing15. Aided16. Indeed17. Stock up on18. Believed19. Althougp0. Ruins

(完形填空原文)TEXT 121.C indicate the atmosphere at the board meeting.22.D She denies that value of scientific work.23.A Climate education is insufficient at state public school.24.C has limited influence25.D can be swayed by external forcesTEXT 226. its housing supply is at a very low rate27. allow a free short-term market28. increase in affordable housing29. stop developers from evading taxes30. an inadequate solution.TEXT 331. ongoing conflict32. to respond to PRH’s business move33. the credit limit will be removed34. Sales of books by mid-list PRH writers fall off considerably35. the merger of publishers is a worrying trend.TEXT 436. How many times their papers are cited37.ask authors to include extra citations38.boost citation counts for certain authors39.it has the capability to identify suspicious citations40.reveal their misconduct新题型:原文来源:https://www.discovermagazine.com/environment/the-pictures-that-saved-yellowstone-national-park continueFlag=d9f22e89f9ecaf0b54ecdcf9c4fb6544BFDCG英语二答案:一.完形填空1. B profit2. C prioritize3. A exclusively4. D example5. D traditional6. D problem7. A despite8. B however9. B created10. C fresh11. C lack12. D insight13. C promoting14. A As a result15. A unite16. B identify17. D accomplishment18. B responsible19. C While20. A serve•阅读理解Text 121. The RHS thinks that plastic grass isA. is harmful to the environment22. The petitions mentions in paragraph 3 reveal the campaignersB. resistance to fake grass use23. In Paragraph 4,supporters of fake grass point outC. the disadvantage of growing real grass24. What would the government do with regard to artificial grass D. remind its users to obey existing rules25. It can be learned from the text that fake grassD. has been a controversial productText 226. What problem are US national parks faced with C. poorly maintained infrastructure27. Increased privatization of the campgrounds mayA. spoil visitor experience28. According to paragraph 5. most respondents in the survey wouldC. agree to pay extra for the national parks29. The national parks are valuable in that theyC. have historical significance30. It can be concluded that the national park systemD. is in need of a funding increaseText 331. Sparrow's study shows that with the Internet, the human brain willD. switch its focus of memory32. The process of "cognitive offloading"D. lessens our memory burdens.33. Which of the following would Sparrow support about the Internet A. It may reform our learning approach.34. It is indicated in Para 3 that how the Internet affects our brains A. require further academic research.35. Neither Sparrow nor Storm would agree thatB. the internet is weakening our memory.Text 436. According to Paragraph 1. children growing into adolescence tend toA. develop opposite personality traits.37. It can be learned from Paragraph 2 that Crone's studyB. provide a new insight into adolescence.38. What does Crone's study find about prosocial behavior D. It tends to peak in adolescence.39. It can be learned from the last two paragraph that teenagersC. care a lot about social recognition.40. What is the text mainly about A. Why teenagers are self-contradictory新题型:41. Brian Berry--D The new rules will take home prices to an even higher level.42. Gareth Belsham--F The news rules affect people whose home extensions include new windows or doors.43. Marcus Jeford - -B Builders possibly need to submit new estimates of their projects.44. John Kelly--A The rise of home prices is a temporary matter.45. Andrew Mellor-G The rule changes will benefit homeowners eventually.






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