

更新时间:2023-10-31 20:14:51作者:壹默






1. 对话型求职信范本:

Dear Mr Black,

Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post advertised in the Guardian on 30 November.

The nature of my degree course has prepared me for this position. It involved a great deal of independent research, requiring initiative, self-motivation and a ide range of skills. For one course, , an understanding of the industry as essential. I found this subject very stimulating.

I am a fast and accurate riter, ith a keen eye for detail and I should be very grateful for the opportunity to progress to market reporting. I am able to take on the responsibility of this position immediately, and have the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I make a success of it.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forard to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours sincerely

2. 试探型求职信范本:

Dear Mr Bron,

I am riting to enquire if you have any vacancies in your company. I enclose my CV for your information.

As you can see, I have had extensive vacation ork experience in office environments, the retail sector and service industries, giving me varied skills and the ability to ork ith many different types of people. I believe I could fit easily into your team.

I am a conscientious person ho orks hard and pays attention to detail. I'm flexible, quick to pick up ne skills and eager to learn from others. I also have lots of ideas and enthusiasm. I'm keen to ork for a company ith a great reputation and high profile like .

I have excellent references and ould be delighted to discuss any possible vacancy ith you at your convenience. In case you do not have any suitable openings at the moment, I ould be grateful if you ould keep my CV on file for any future possibilities.

Yours sincerely

3. 创意型求职信范本:

Dear Ms Green,

• Confused by commas?

• Puzzled by parenthesis?

• Stumped by spelling?

• Perturbed by punctuation?

• Annoyed at the apostrophe?

Well, you're not alone. It seems that feer and feer people can rite. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people ho can read. So they'll spot a gaffe from a mile off. And that means it's a false economy, unless you're 100% sure of yourself, to rite your on materials.

To have materials properly copyritten is, hen one considers the hole process of publishing materials and the impact that the client ishes to make, a minor expense. Sloppiness loses clients, loses customers.

There is an anser. Me. Firm quotes are free. You can see some of hat I do on my multilingual ebsite at . If you'd like, I can get some samples out to you ithin 24 hours. And, if you use me, you'll have some sort of guarantee that you can sleep soundly as those tens of thousands of copies are rolling off the presses.

Luck shouldn't come into it!

With kindest regards


1. 对话型求职信范本:

Dear Mr Black,

Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post advertised in the Guardian on 30 November.

The nature of my degree course has prepared me for this position. It involved a great deal of independent research, requiring initiative, self-motivation and a ide range of skills. For one course, , an understanding of the industry as essential. I found this subject very stimulating.

I am a fast and accurate riter, ith a keen eye for detail and I should be very grateful for the opportunity to progress to market reporting. I am able to take on the responsibility of this position immediately, and have the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I make a success of it.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forard to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours sincerely

2. 试探型求职信范本:

Dear Mr Bron,

I am riting to enquire if you have any vacancies in your company. I enclose my CV for your information.

As you can see, I have had extensive vacation ork experience in office environments, the retail sector and service industries, giving me varied skills and the ability to ork ith many different types of people. I believe I could fit easily into your team.

I am a conscientious person ho orks hard and pays attention to detail. I'm flexible, quick to pick up ne skills and eager to learn from others. I also have lots of ideas and enthusiasm. I'm keen to ork for a company ith a great reputation and high profile like .

I have excellent references and ould be delighted to discuss any possible vacancy ith you at your convenience. In case you do not have any suitable openings at the moment, I ould be grateful if you ould keep my CV on file for any future possibilities.

Yours sincerely

3. 创意型求职信范本:

Dear Ms Green,

• Confused by commas?

• Puzzled by parenthesis?

• Stumped by spelling?

• Perturbed by punctuation?

• Annoyed at the apostrophe?

Well, you're not alone. It seems that feer and feer people can rite. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people ho can read. So they'll spot a gaffe from a mile off. And that means it's a false economy, unless you're 100% sure of yourself, to rite your on materials.

To have materials properly copyritten is, hen one considers the hole process of publishing materials and the impact that the client ishes to make, a minor expense. Sloppiness loses clients, loses customers.

There is an anser. Me. Firm quotes are free. You can see some of hat I do on my multilingual ebsite at . If you'd like, I can get some samples out to you ithin 24 hours. And, if you use me, you'll have some sort of guarantee that you can sleep soundly as those tens of thousands of copies are rolling off the presses.

Luck shouldn't come into it!

With kindest regards


Dear Mr Black,

Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post advertised in the Guardian on 30 November.

The nature of my degree course has prepared me for this position. It involved a great deal of independent research, requiring initiative, self-motivation and a ide range of skills. For one course, , an understanding of the industry as essential. I found this subject very stimulating.

I am a fast and accurate riter, ith a keen eye for detail and I should be very grateful for the opportunity to progress to market reporting. I am able to take on the responsibility of this position immediately, and have the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I make a success of it.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forard to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours sincerely


Dear Mr Black,

Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post advertised in the Guardian on 30 November.

The nature of my degree course has prepared me for this position. It involved a great deal of independent research, requiring initiative, self-motivation and a ide range of skills. For one course, , an understanding of the industry as essential. I found this subject very stimulating.

I am a fast and accurate riter, ith a keen eye for detail and I should be very grateful for the opportunity to progress to market reporting. I am able to take on the responsibility of this position immediately, and have the enthusiasm and determination to ensure that I make a success of it.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forard to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours sincerely

2. 试探型求职信范本:

Dear Mr Bron,

I am riting to enquire if you have any vacancies in your company. I enclose my CV for your information.

As you can see, I have had extensive vacation ork experience in office environments, the retail sector and service industries, giving me varied skills and the ability to ork ith many different types of people. I believe I could fit easily into your team.

I am a conscientious person ho orks hard and pays attention to detail. I'm flexible, quick to pick up ne skills and eager to learn from others. I also have lots of ideas and enthusiasm. I'm keen to ork for a company ith a great reputation and high profile like .

I have excellent references and ould be delighted to discuss any possible vacancy ith you at your convenience. In case you do not have any suitable openings at the moment, I ould be grateful if you ould keep my CV on file for any future possibilities.

Yours sincerely

3. 创意型求职信范本:

Dear Ms Green,

Confused by commas?

Puzzled by parenthesis?

Stumped by spelling?

Perturbed by punctuation?

Annoyed at the apostrophe?

Well, you're not alone. It seems that feer and feer people can rite. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people ho can read. So they'll spot a gaffe from a mile off. And that means it's a false economy, unless you're 100% sure of yourself, to rite your on materials.

To have materials properly copyritten is, hen one considers the hole process of publishing materials and the impact that the client ishes to make, a minor expense. Sloppiness loses clients, loses customers.

There is an anser. Me. Firm quotes are free. You can see some of hat I do on my multilingual ebsite at . If you'd like, I can get some samples out to you ithin 24 hours. And, if you use me, you'll have some sort of guarantee that you can sleep soundly as those tens of thousands of copies are rolling off the presses.

Luck shouldn't come into it!

With kindest regards



April 13,

P.O. Box 36

BIIT University

Beijing,China 100000

Dear Sir/Madam:

No and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. This person must fit very specific criteria. Usually, after all is said and done, the corporation ants a business person ho can manage, create and communicate. A seasoned professional ho's been around for a hile.

If you've been looking for this rare combination of business savvy and design expertise, my background might interest you:

Ten years of orking experience. Solid background in the management of creative up-and-comers.

Kno ne technologies that sho instant profit, such as CAD/CAM.

This is but a brief summary of my abilities. And there is much, much more to share.I feel I have strong marketable skills in hich you ould be interested. Please contact me if you ould like to hear and see more.

With many thanks,


看重开首、末端。在求职信的末端,我们通常品牌女装要说起关于希望获得口试的事情。是以,末端一样要引发看重。在表达自己的这样的意愿的时光,切忌脆弱、羞怯的表达体例,比方:if you think ican fill the position after you have read my letter,i shall be glad to talk ith you。


3.说话客观实际。英文求职信中应幸免自己的主观推断性的说话和评论性的话语,不淘宝网要过分衬着自我特别不要说出与事实不符的才能或特征来。为了不过量的主观性描写,你可以在自己的简历当中用客观的数字和引述他人的话语来描写自己的现底细况。比方:i have passed cet-6ith ahigh mark of 96.

2.在求职信的第一个段落当中应当明白地奉告对方你是在何家媒体看到应聘告白以及所要应聘职位的名称,比方your advertisement fora n网赚etork maintenance engineer inthe april 10student daily interested me。这样有助于对方懂得聘请信息的有效传播道路。






◆ during the past then years,my experience has been concentrated in the masonry and plastering products supply industry ith a building materials firm.during my six years as general manager,i took an old line business,hich had undergone several years of poor management,and reversed the trend.i upgraded the firm“s image,and customer and vendor relations,hich subsequently increased the dollar volume and bottom line profits by 300%.

◆ my employment background consists of telve years at the deaconess hospital,here i provide a ide range of administrative,financial,and research support to the chief executive officer.i have a strong aptitude for orking ith numbers and extensive experience ith computer softare applications.

◆ you require: i offer:

a college degree a bachelors degree in english from long island university

fluency in italian and french fluency in italian,german,and french

office experience experience as a receptionist at a busy accounting firm

typing skills accurate typing at 60pm

illngness to travel illingness to travel

◆my ork experience and my scholastic endeavors have thoroughly prepared me for employment in a firm that specializes in various segments of la.this fall and past summer,i have been orking for a small general practice firm here i am entrusted ith a great deal of responsibility.i rite appellate briefs,memoranda in corporate,contract,and criminal la,and i draft complaints and ansers.i also actively participate in attorney-client conferences by questioning clients and by describing ho the la affects the clients” suits.

◆i offer extensive knoledge of five computer languages and strong management,sales,and sales support experience.as a computer specialist,i as responsible for the management of a center handling the complete line of honeyell computers and peripherals for home and commercial use.in addition to a b.s.degree in business administration,i ill receive a certificate in programming this may.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I ould like you to consider me for the position.

My name is Li Min. I am tenty-three years old. I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I ill graduate this summer. I am familiar ith computer operation and officesoftares, hich can help me do the office ork very ell. And I have learned English for ten years.In the past to years, I have been an editor for the English Paper of my department. My grades come out top in my department. What's more, I like office ork very much and I also think that I can be competent for the job.If I could have the opportunity to get the job I ill be quite appreciative.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forard to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Li Min








Dear Sir,

In respone to your advertisement in the nespaper of January 15,I ish to apply for the position of(secretary,accountant,clerk,salesman,etc).

I am tenty-five years old and a graduate of ____ college. My experience in this line of ork includes six years as an assistant accountant ith the ABC Company.The reason for leaving my present employment is because they are closing their office.

I am enclosing my resume together ith my photo,and believe that they may be found satisfactory.With respect to salary, I shall expect HK$5,000 a month.I assure you that if appointed, I ill do my best to give your satisfaction.

Very truly yours




dear in charge of recruitment:


i am xx school of economics and management university marketing students, ill be more than illing to accumulated years of knoledge and training to your organization's ability to contribute and do my best to create opportunities for your company's contribution to the progress and development of the full poer of their on.

xx universities directly under the ministry of education is an interdisciplinary focus on a ide range of national comprehensive university. schools of philosophy, economics, la, literature, history, science, engineering, medicine, management disciplines, such as the nine categories; have 130 undergraduates, 180 master's degree authorization points, 71 points phd authorization, post-doctoral research center 15; has 16 national key disciplines, the focus of study in jilin province to 34, national education and scientific research personnel training base for teaching a , state key laboratory 5, the ministry of education key laboratory of 11.

in school, i seize every opportunity to exercise all aspects of their on ability to make their on moving in a modern society needs innovative talent development compound.. expertise in the effort to learn at the same time, learning a multi-electronic, mechanical type of foundation courses and to semesters of college physics experiments and metalorking practice, not only developed a solid knoledge and skills, training, analysis of the thrust and the actual operating capacity, but also established a rigorous thinking and truth-seeking system; completed a professional other than the economic field and more courses, and study after school hours a large number of marketing books, such as the practice of marketing planning, sales channel management, corporate advertising, online marketing, so as to improve the i structure of expertise.

“learn to ork in the orkplace, in learning ho to learn.” i have a second fall, but another time i stood up, journey, for the optimism, persistence, hard ork is my beacon. i have time and again the leadership of the rich vitality of each of the groups, to overcome difficulties and achieved a remarkable success after another. recognized by teachers, students praise us more enthusiasm to devote themselves to ne challenges, and toard the goal of higher impact.

in social status is about to embark on, i ish to apply, looking forard to the sincere and filled ith enthusiasm to join your company, your company culture and enjoy the charm of a dump evans only give you the effectiveness of intrinsic quality.



your future employees: xxx


Dear leaders:

Thank you for your concern about the use of the valuable time of my cover letter!

My name is YJBYS, XX, and this years 22-year-old, height zero, X years in XXXX on XXX graduated from the University, his loyalty to honest and reliable; ill be day-to-day operation of computers, has on numerous aards in the student and to participate actively in hospital the activities of school organizations, have a good life style and high sense of discipline in mind, the aareness of higher consciousness, to the implementation of good order, a strong sense of teamork, hard ork style, not afraid of hardship, and the courage first to. the ork of a sense of responsibility strong, and ready to help others on the tasks assigned by the superiors motivated and good at learning on their on hard ork, a certain degree of grass-roots management experience.

I have learned is the professional management of industrial and commercial enterprises, but I do not rigidly adhere to professional constraints, of all alks of life are full of confidence and love. Of course, in the spare time, I like to do is to read the Exercise and Sport . I like to see some kind of inspirational books, like her spare time for basketball, soccer and other ball games! I think that there is no good physical ork conditions can not be backed up, there is no more flexible mind can not be!

Optional ood and good bird habitat, allo disabled persons to friends. An opportunity to co-operate, to me is a good start, for you are a ise choice. I as a Chollima, as you are pursuing the ability and insight to such a re - The horses only. sincerely hope you can give me a play to realize the value of life, in order to effect social development opportunities. language can only be moved by the people of time, the ability to prove I can. I believe that under your ise leadership, in my diligence efforts, tomorro I ill become a member of your organization best. My credo is: Opportunities favor only those people ho are fully prepared.

I ish you every success for the cause,Waiting for your good nes!




Dear Sir or Madam

I am senior from the Department of Business Administration of Beijing University. I am riting the letter in purpose of applying for admission into your esteemed institution/your recently advertised position for a staff member.

I am sure that I am qualified for it. First, enclosed ith this letter is my resume, hich further details my previous academic qualifications and ork experience. Second, not only do my qualifications and experience make me a perfect candidate for it, my cheerful personality is ell suited to studying in your prestigious university/orking as a staff member. Last, my hobbies include sports and music.

Words fail me hen I try to express my heartfelt gratitude to the help you rendered me. Your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry ould be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



看重开首、末端。在求职信的末端,我们通常品牌女装要说起关于希望获得口试的事情。是以,末端一样要引发看重。在表达自己的这样的意愿的时光,切忌脆弱、羞怯的表达体例,比方:If you think Ican fill the position after you have read my letter,I shall be glad to talk ith you。


3.说话客观实际。英文求职信中应幸免自己的主观推断性的说话和评论性的话语,不淘宝网要过分衬着自我特别不要说出与事实不符的才能或特征来。为了不过量的主观性描写,你可以在自己的简历当中用客观的数字和引述他人的'话语来描写自己的现底细况。比方:I have passed CET-6ith ahigh mark of 96.

2.在求职信的第一个段落当中应当明白地奉告对方你是在何家媒体看到应聘告白以及所要应聘职位的名称,比方Your advertisement fora N网赚etork Maintenance Engineer inthe April 10Student Daily interested me。这样有助于对方懂得聘请信息的有效传播道路。









1. Length:

A letter of application should be no more than one page long.


2. Format:

A letter of application should be single-spaced ith a space beteen each paragraph. Use about 1“ margins and align your text to the left, hich is the standard alignment for most documents.


3. Font:

Use a traditional font such as Times Ne Roman, Arial, or Calibri. The font size should be beteen 10 and 12 points.


4. Header:

A letter of application should begin ith both you and the employer's contact information folloed by the date. If this is an email rather than an actual letter, include your contact information at the end of the letter, after your signature.

写英文信件时最需要注意的是中英文信件的格式不同。另外,称呼老外时需要使用“称谓+姓氏”的格式,比如“Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name.”,Mr和Ms后面可别写名字了。如果你不知道对方叫什么,可以用“Dear Hiring Manager.”的说法来代替。

5. Introduction:

Begin by stating hat job you are applying for. Explain here you heard about the job, particularly if you heard about it from a contact associated ith the company. Briefly mention ho your skills and experience match the company and/or position; this ill give the employer a previe of the rest of your letter.


6. Body:

In a paragraph or to, explain hy you are interested in the job and hy you make an excellent candidate for the position. Mention specific qualifications listed in the job posting, and explain ho you meet those qualifications. Do not simply restate your resume, but provide specific examples that demonstrate your abilities. You can either rite about these specific examples in complete sentences or in a bulleted format.


7. Closing:

Restate ho your skills make you a strong fit for the company and/or position. State that you ould like to intervie and/or discuss employment opportunities. Explain hat you ill do to follo up, and hen you ill do it. Thank the employer for his/her consideration.


8. Signature:

End ith your signature, handritten, folloed by your typed name. If this is an email, simply include your typed name, folloed by your contact information.


9. Proof and Edit Your Letter:

Remember to proof and edit your letter before sending it. It may sound silly, but also be sure to include the correct employer and company names - hen you rite many letters of application at once, it is easy to make a mistake.





of the ne orld products company have,i believe,given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in thursday's nespaper.

since 1981 i have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales,including riting much of the correspondence.in the course of my ork,i have become familiar ith the various sales territories,and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.

the years before i as employed at the ne orld,i as a secretary for long brother,an accounting firm.there i became familiar ith accounting terms and procedures.

i as graduated at ah yan college, in june 1974. i am tenty-five years of age and single.

i am leaving my present position because i can use my capabilities more fully in a position ith ider scope. my present employer knos of my ambition and is helping me to find a ne place.

may i see you at your office to tell you more about myself and sho you just ho ell i can do the ork you require.

yours faithfully


Dear Sir or Madam,

I rite this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in____________of________.

Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a __________. In the one hand,_______________________________. On the other hand, __________________________________.

Should you grant me a personal intervie, I ould be most grateful. If you need to kno more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at _______________

Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forard to meeting you.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming








Respect of leadership:

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read my letter of recommendation, belo, I to a simple self-introduction.

I am chongqing three gorges pharmaceutical college school student#39;s department of Olympic nursing. Ordinary me, optimistic, positive and uplifting, have a strong sense of responsibility and mission.

While at university, I alays ith diligence rigorous attitude to study hard, system solid mastery of the theoretical knoledge and professional skill, and at the same time, use after school time, I idely ith a lot of books, not only enrich themselves, but also to train a ide range of skills. To years of campus life form good learning and ork habits. I deeply felt, and excellent students ork together, make me benefit in competition, To the actual difficult challenge, let me gro up in defeat.

Revie to years of campus life, I not only learned all kinds of knoledge, and learned ho to become a man of value. I love on specialty, see ourselves for hard and seat for the patient#39;s health and a smile, is my biggest joy. I sincerely look forard to in your under the leadership for the expensive unit business branches, and in ork continuously learn and progress.

I believe, I can, I ill!

Enclosed personal resume, looking forard to your intervie. I ish your esteemed courtyard business is thriving!


Respect of leadership:


Thank you for reading my letter of self recommendation in your busy schedule!

My name is XXX, is XX University School of nursing professional graduates in .

I am an ordinary girl, but unilling to mediocrity, I am optimistic, confident, self-motivated, hobbies, can ell deal ith interpersonal relationships, coordination and communication ith the expertise, and has the sense of responsibility and a strong sense of mission, no, I ill soon graduate, facing ne challenges and choices, I am confident.

From the start, I ill pay particular attention to carefully study the courses at the same time, efforts to develop the quality and capacity, make full use of spare time, broaden the horizons of knoledge, perfect knoledge structure. In an increasingly competitive today, I firmly believe that only the multi-level, all-round development, and master of professional knoledge, to meet the needs of social development and the needs of employers, can remain invincible. Through the efforts of the study I on the scholarship, in learning at the same time, I actively participated in the activities organized by institutions, and on the three prize in the ”Mo negative youth“ the speech contest. In the three years of the study life, I determined to forge ahead, helpful style and performance to in the trust and praise from the leaders, teachers and students. And during the internship as highly praised by patients and their families in the Sino Japanese Friendship hospital. See the hard ork and seat pay for rehabilitation of patients ith smile, this is to me the best reard.

Despite the many applicants, I may not be the best. But I am still very confident. ”Sincere pending the main, to be held by the ise ruler". I do not beg for trust, prefer action to seek trust. Your hospital is illing to give me an opportunity to try to ork, their on potential of the space, I ill of due diligence, as much as I can, your hospital satisfaction, satisfaction of patients.

Yours sincerely


Recommendation: XXX

XX years XX months


Work background

A history of a person's professional and/or non-professional employment.

Educational background

A history of a person's formal schooling and/or training.


The degree and/or depth to hich a person's ork and educational

background is a good fit for a particular job.


A formal document hich identifies a person, outlines professional goals, describes ork history and educational background, and identifies other activities, memberships in professional associations, etc., hich are relevant to a career. It is a tool by hich you market or sell your skills and expertise to a potential employer.


At one time, a Curriculum Vitae as the formal document used to describe your professional ork and educational background. It has no been replaced by the resume, except in certain professions in academia hich include social sciences, physical sciences, and education.

Cover letter

An introductory letter hich introduces yourself, states your intent, and gives you an opportunity to summarize your skills and sell hat you can offer to a company. Most companies require a cover letter in addition to a resume.


A statement hich expresses your professional ambitions and/or career objectives.


Tasks hich you feel you excel at, positive personality traits that you feel that you possess, and skills that you sell to a potential employer. Strengths can include superior communication skills, high analytical ability, technical skills, managerial proess, creativity, people skills, and desirable personality traits.


Areas that you perceive that you need improvement in, hether it be ork habits, business knoledge, communication, etc. Any potential eakness must be spun into a positive anser hich converts it into a potential strength.





1.in reply to your advertisement in todays nespaper,i respectfully offer my services for the situation.拜读今日xx报上贵公司的广告,本人特此备函应征该职位。本文





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